1871, 7¢ vermilion, H. grill, two strips of three and a pair, along with 6¢ carmine (148) cancelled by "Cape Girardeau Mo. Jul 23" cds duplex with circle of wedges cancel on court house cover to Saint Louis, Mo.; reduced at ends, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 138 Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Current Opening Bid: $1,450

1873, 10¢ brown, tied by quartered cork cancel duplexed with "San Francisco Cal. Oct 11" cds on cover to Col. James Bassell, Egyptian Army, Cairo, Egypt, cover was underpaid for the 15¢ N.G.U. closed mail rate via Brindisi as endorsed and therefore treated as totally unpaid, plethora of due ratings and transits on front and back including "Insufficiently Paid" in three different languages, black "New York Br. Transit Oct 20" backstamp and "Insufficiently Paid" straightline, Trieste, Alexandria and Cairo (11.12) backstamps, Egyptian "3" Piasters due rating handstamp; reduced at left, otherwise Very Fine and remarkable insufficiently prepaid use to Egypt. Scott No. 161 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,150

1883, 2¢ red brown, intensely rich color, tied by duplex with light yet discernible "Hartford, Conn., Oct 1, 83" First Day of Issue cancel; cover missing most of top flap, otherwise Very Fine; with 1995 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 210 $2,000.
Realized: $250

1883, 2¢ red brown, tied by cork handstamp on 1888 cover to Bordeaux, France, initially franked with Mexico 1887, 10c Numeral (187) tied by Mexico origin cds, "Via El Paso" endorsement at top, N.Y. transit and receiving backstamps, Very Fine, a scarce combination franking. Scott No. 210 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $210

1883, 4¢ blue green, used with 1¢ gray blue (206), each cancelled by three-rings cancel duplexed with "Canandaigua N.Y. Dec 11" cds on cover to Lt. C.S. Sperry, U.S.S Quinnebaug in care of B.F. Stevens, New York (12.13) transit backstamp, Charing Cross (12.23) arrival cds, purple "United States Despatch Agent, B.F. Stevens, 25 Dec 84" forwarders oval and readdressed in red ink to Alexandria, Egypt, Fine. Scott No. 211 Estimate $300 - 400.
The U.S.S. "Quinnebaug" was probably in Alexandria Harbor to observe the state of the Sudan Campaign, and to protect U.S. citizens if required.

1887, 1¢ ultramarine, horizontal pair, tied by "Amherst, Mass., Mar 12, 1888" duplex cds's on cover to Washington D.C., with "American Eclipse Expedition to Japan, 1887, Professor David P. Todd, In Charge" corner card, Very Fine. Scott No. 212 Estimate $200 - 300.
David Peck Todd was a noted American astronomer and was the organizer and leader of a number of important astronomical expeditions throughout the world between 1878 and 1919.

1887, 3¢ vermilion, radiant color, tied by "New York Nov 16 '88" duplex on 2¢ green entire to the U.S. Consul at San Jose, Costa Rica; cover tear top left, F.-V.F. and exceedingly rare 3¢ vermilion destination. Scott No. 214 Estimate $400 - 600.

1888, 5¢ indigo, corked cancel with matching "Park Bay Sta., Mass., Feb 25, 1890" cds alongside on cover addressed to "Prof. David Todd, In Charge of U.S. Eclipse Expedition, U.S.S. Pensacola" in care of B.F. Stevens in London, England, purple "B.F. Stevens, London, 2 Apr, 90" despatch agent cachet handstamp and "no. 8, Rec'd Barbados, 29 Apr 90" docketing at top left, Very Fine, a rare usage to the 1889-90 American Eclipse Expedition to Africa. Scott No. 216 Estimate $500 - 750.
David Peck Todd was a noted American astronomer and was the organizer and leader of a number of important astronomical expeditions throughout the world between 1878 and 1919.
Realized: $475

1890, 4¢ dark brown, in combination with 1890, 5¢ chocolate + 6¢ brown red + 10¢ green (223, 224, 227) on registered Durbin & Hanes stamp dealer corner card cover to France, all tied by light oval handstamps, purple "Philadelphia, Pa., Registered, Jul 16, 1890" origin boxed date stamp and New York exchange etiquette; stamp and cover flaws, F.-V.F. appearance, the earliest recorded usages of the 1890 4¢ Small Banknote issue, ex-Landau; with 2015 P.S.A.G. certificate. Scott No. 222 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $650