(Buildings) M.B. Dyott / Manufacturer of Lamps and Gas Fixtures, two 1859 covers with same printed corner card showing Company Building in blue on orange covers, both franked with 1857 3¢ tied by Philadelphia octagon, one with unnoticeable cover tear, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $90

(Buildings) Myers, Kirkpatrick & Co. / Hides, Oil & Leather, handsome blue cameo corner card showing Building on neatly addressed cover to New Jersey, franked with 1851 3¢ (cut in) tied by Philadelphia cds, Very Fine and choice. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $190

(Buildings) Neil House, attractive blue cameo corner card showing Neil House and Street Scene on cover franked with 1851 3¢ tied by Columbus, O. cds, light cover fold affects adhesive, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.

(Buildings) People's Works, wonderful all aover design on reverse of cover showing Iron Foundry and Street Scene with Horse Drawn Carriages, franked with on obverse 3¢ 1869 with cork cancel and Philadelphia cds, Very Fine and attractive, a lovely item. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $375

(Buildings) Perin & Gould, blue printed illustrated design of Company Building on cover to Aurora, Ind., franked with 1857 3¢ tied by blue Cincinnati cds, cover Missent with bold Vevay, Ind. forwarding cds, flap missing, Very Fine and attractive. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $70

(Buildings) S.C. Upham / Dealer in Periodicals, Stationery, Patent Medicines, attractive all over advertising on 1862 cover to Vermont showing Company Building in Philadelphia, franked with 1861 3¢ (small defect) tied by Philadelphia cds, Very Fine and attractive, Upham was a prominent manufacturer of Civil War Patriotic cover during the Civil War as indicated by the advertising text on the building, "Union Envelopes & Paper". Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $450

(Buildings) Strobridge & Co. / Steam Lithographic Printing Establishment, stunning large size illustrated corner card showing Company Building and Street Scene, all in vivid gold color, franked with manuscript cancelled 3¢ Bank Note, included with lovely illustrated company letterhead, plus three additional lemon covers all with similar design and franked with Bank Note issues, however showing company name change, Very Fine and attractive. Estimate $150 - 200.
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(Buildings) W.H. Wood & Co. / Produce & Fruit, three covers all with similar, yet different illustrated ad showing the Company Building and Street Scene on baby blue covers from Sacramento, Ca., two franked with 2¢ green Bank Note and one franked with 1890 2¢, two used in 1888 and one in 1892, one reduced at right affecting 2¢ Bank Note, F.-V.F. Estimate $100 - 150.

(Buildings) Walker & Andrews Building, lovely allover design in red, showing building and street scene, franked with 1851 3¢ (small defect) with manuscript cancel and matching Wethersfield Springs, NY manuscript postmark, Very Fine and attractive. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $110

(Buildings) White River Flour & Grocery House, wonderful multicolor all over advertising showing Company Building & Street Scene, franked with 2¢ Bank Note and tied by Pittsburgh duplex on cover to Coalport, Pa., reverse with equally beautiful all over advertising, bottom right corner with small bit add, otherwise Very Fine, an amazing design. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $300