(Campaign Covers) Grant & Colfax, allover shaded campaign design on cover to Illinois, franked with 1869, 3¢ ultramarine tied by Pierces Point, Ia. manuscript postmark, with original 1870 enclosure; with trivial edge faults, F.-V.F., late usage for this 1868 presidential election. Scott No. 114 Estimate $150 - 200.

(Alcohol) Oothout & Burtis, Brewers, Malsters & Rectifiers of a Choice Brand of Whiskey, Rochester, N.Y., blue cameo corner card on cover to St. Davids, Canada, bold red "Rochester, N.Y., Nov 24, 1857" cds with matching "Paid" and "10" rate handstamps, red "United States, Paid 6d" exchange handstamp and receiving backstamp; minor edge stain, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $500

(Buildings) American House, two covers with different illustrated corner cards showing the American Hotel building and street scene, one franked with 1851 3¢ (defective) and other with 1857 3¢, both tied by Cleveland, O. cds, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.

(Buildings) Barker, Moore & Mein / Wholesale Druggists, printed advertising design on cover showing Company Building with Street Scene, franked with 2¢ 1869 tied by radial grid paying the unsealed circular rate, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $120

(Buildings) Chamberlain & Co., lovely all over illustrated design showing view of the Anchor Iron Works on cover, franked with 1851 3¢ tied by blue Cincinnati cds with waffle grid in black, includes original waybill, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $160

(Buildings) Eaton, Cree & Macrum Trimming Store, two covers with similar printed corner card showing Company Building and Street Scene, one in black with additional oval advertising alongside, 2nd printed in green, both send to one of the Company owner's, James Cree with original enclosure, franked with 1857 3¢, one tied by Meadville, Pa., 2nd tied by blue Chambersburg, Pa. cds, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120

(Buildings) Elder & Webb / Produce Commission Merchants and Forwarding Agents, large blue cameo corner card on cover showing Company Building with Loading Dock and Freight Train, franked with 1851 3¢ tied by blue Baltimore cds, cover with some all over aging, minor cover bend at bottom left, Very Fine, a stunning design. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $300

(Buildings) First National Bank, two covers with illustrated design of Bank Building in Nashua, N.H., first franked with 1869 2¢, second franked with 1¢ Bank Note strip of 3, both tied by cork cancel with Nashua cds alongside, first with directional imprint at bottom, 2nd with reduced at right and flap tear, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
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(Buildings) Forest City House, four covers all with illustrated corner card showing different designs of the Forest City House, two franked with Bank Note issues, one with the 1890 Issue and one with the Bureau issue, couple small flaws, lovely Very Fine appearance. Estimate $100 - 150.

(Buildings) French, Richards & Co / Drug, Paint & Glass Warehouse, blue cameo corner card showing Warehouse Building on cover to Ohio, franked with 1861 3¢ rose pink tied by Philadelphia cds, included is matching letterhead with cameo in black, adhesive with shifted perfs and small corner defect, cover with advertising text on reverse, Very Fine and attractive. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100