(Washington Territory) Columbia City, O.T., Nov 11, 1852, early purple manuscript postmark along with purple manuscript "Paid 12" rate marking (double 6¢ rate) on homemade stampless cover to Illinois, corner and edge wear, light wrinkles, Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
The Columbia City Post Office, which was the forerunner of The Vancouver Post Office, operated for five years only 1850-1855. Scarcity Index 9 in Helbock's books.
Realized: $1,050

(Washington Territory) Columbia City, O.T., Dec 17, balloon cds and handstamped "Paid 3" rate marking on stampless cover to Astoria Oregon Territory, late use of "O.T." postmark used after Washington Territory was created, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450

(Washington Territory) Olympia, Oregon, Dec 9th 1851, early manuscript postmark at right and manuscript "5" rate marking at left on stampless cover to Salem Oregon, Oregon City transit postmark, cover refolded to improve appearance, Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
The Olympia Post Office was established in 1850. The town became the capital of Washington Territory when it was separated from Oregon Territory in 1853.
Realized: $170

(Washington Territory) Olympia, Ogn., Oct 18, balloon cds and manuscript "Paid" and handstamped "Paid 3" in arc rate marking on 1853 stampless folded letter to Albany O.T., late use of "Ogn." postmark after Washington Territory was created, accompanied by a handwritten transcription of the newsy letter from a man who has "been for five months engaged in cutting the emigrant road across the Cascade Mountains and have just finished the western portion in time to have admitted thirty wagons,", Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $190

(Washington Territory) Olympia, Ogn., undated balloon cds on 1853 3¢ Nesbitt entire with handstamped "Paid" and manuscript "7" additional rate marking, to Massachusetts, late use of "Ogn." postmark after Washington Territory was created, slightly reduced at left, an attractive "Paid 7" cover from the 1855-63 rate period when prepayment was made compulsory but there were no 7¢ stamps to combine with 3¢ stamps to make up the transcontinental rate. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375

(Washington Territory) Vancouver, W.T., Sep 20, two strikes of balloon cds tie 1857 3¢ dull red type II strip of three (top selvage copies) and 1857 1¢ blue type II on cover to Virginia, corner faults, Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $80