(Oregon Expresses) Beekman's Express, Jacksonville O.T., very clear oval handstamp in red on uncancelled 1853 3¢ red Nesbitt entire with Wells Fargo printed frank, Marks correspondence to Roseburg, "1860" docket indicates Yreka origin, thus carried by Beekman to Jacksonville where presumably exchanged with Wells Fargo, Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $900

(Oregon Expresses) Beekman's Express, Jacksonville O.T., oval handstamp in red on 1853 3¢ red Nesbitt entire with Wells Fargo printed frank, Marks correspondence to Roseburg with "via Yreka" sender's endorsement, "1860" docket indicates San Francisco origin, Wells, Fargo & Co., Sac. Messenger, Feb 3 origin handstamp in blue, entered the mails with Jacksonville, Ogn., Feb 13 cds (Whittlesey 3, R 6), thus carried by Wells Fargo to Yreka where exchanged with Beekman, upper right corner missing, otherwise Very Fine, ex-Barkhausen. Estimate $500 - 750.

(Oregon Expresses) Buchanan & Co.'s Express, printed frank with green background on 1864 3¢ pink entire to California, entered the mails in Canyon City with Canon City, Or'n, Jul 30 cds (Whittlesey 3, R 6), reduced at right with defects, Fine, a very rare Express Frank, a search of our records and Robert Siegels', reveals that only one other example has been sold by either firm (Rumsey Sale 35, Lot 796), ex-Clifford. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $475

(Oregon Expresses) Care of Stage Driver, sender's endorsement on stampless cover, Cummins correspondence to Albany, "1862 From The Dalles Or." pencil notation, interesting outside-of-the-mails usage considering the distance between The Dalles and Albany, Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $90

(Oregon Expresses) Edgar & Burke's Canyon City Express, printed frank on 1861 3¢ pink entire to Kirbyville (Kerby), entered the mails with Canyon City, Ore., Sept 13 manuscript postmark (Whittlesey 1, R 7), indicia cancelled by pen strokes, repaired at left with part of the postmark drawn in, Fine appearance, ex-Clifford. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $425

(Oregon Expresses) Jones & Edgar's Canyon City Express, printed frank on 1861 3¢ pink entire to Vermont, entered the mails in New York City so evidently exchanged with Wells Fargo, reduced at right, some defects including closed tear through the address, Fine, ex-Barkhausen. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450

(Oregon Expresses) Tracy & Co.'s Express, Albany, clear oval handstamp in black on 1861 3¢ pink entire with Tracy printed frank, to (The) Dalles, corner and edge wear, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325

(Oregon Expresses) Tracy & Co.'s Express, Roseburg, oval handstamp in black on 1861 3¢ pink entire with Wells Fargo printed frank, Marks correspondence to San Francisco, posthumous Wells Fargo use of a Tracy town handstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250

(Oregon Expresses) Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express From Jacksonville Ogn., orange label with manuscript town and state folded over and affixed to the top of legal-size money package endorsed "Collect Charges, Value $40.00, L.T. Notes" (Legal Tender Notes) and addressed to a "Private Thos. Lynch" "Care of The Commanding Officer Co. B, 3rd Art." at Fort Point in San Francisco, slightly reduced at right, Very Fine, a wonderful express money package use to a rare military location, ex-Hackett. Estimate $300 - 400.
Fort Point was garrisoned with two companies of the Third Artillery following the onset of the Civil War in 1861. United States Notes, also called Legal Tender Notes and the second American currency popularly known as "greenbacks," were first issued in 1862.
Realized: $270

(Oregon Expresses) Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, La Grande O., very clear oval handstamp in blue on 1861 3¢ pink entire with Wells Fargo printed frank and "Paid 25 Cts." surcharge printed integrally with the frank, to Dalles City (The Dalles), "opened by… through mistake July 13th 64" pencil annotation on the back, reduced at left, edge wear, Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Wells Fargo covers with the 25 Cts. surcharge printed integrally with the frank are known used only from eastern Oregon and southern Idaho in 1864.
Realized: $270