(Georgia) "Fort Wilkinson, 26th June 1798", manuscript postmark with matching "25 cts Paid, J.Whitney P.M." rating on folded letter from Fort Sutler to Snow Hill Md., contents concern sale of land by Indians, "…white persons who have settled amongst them (the Indians) and who from their long residence there and natural corrupt hearts have become more savage than the real Muskogee…tired of the Indian business"; tong and reinforced fold separations, Fine. Estimate $400 - 600.
Fort Wilkinson was named for General James Wilkinson located on Oconee River four miles south of Milledgeville site of negotiation of June 1802 land treaty with Creeks. Fort Sutler's letter.
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(Georgia) Talbotton, Georgia, "Apl 2", superb strike of red dotted oval with manuscript date and matching "25" rating on 1825 folded letter to Boston Mass., letter partly concerning the situation of Indians in Georgia; small corner faults, an Extremely Fine strike. Estimate $150 - 200.

Bluffdale, Illinois, Jan. 15, red homemade double-oval datestamp and manuscript "25" rating on docketed 1832 folded cover to Rev. Brigham at New York N.Y., Very Fine and choice strike. Estimate $300 - 400.

(The Great Chicago Fire) "Chicago Oct 10 / 71", dateline on three-page enclosed letter written during the Chicago fire, original cover with "Boston Mass Oct 14" duplex with cork cancel, no stamp or due markings, excellent letter written in pencil that mentions "The city is still burning…Gen. Sheridan is guarding the city with 4,000 soldiers"; minor cover age stains, a Very Fine letter and usage, ex-Rohloff. Estimate $500 - 750.
The Great Chicago Fire was a conflagration that burned from Sunday, October 8, to early Tuesday, October 10, 1871. The fire killed up to 300 people and destroyed roughly 3.3 square miles of Chicago leaving more than 100,000 residents homeless. Though the fire was one of the largest U.S. disasters of the 19th century, and destroyed much of the city's central business district, Chicago was rebuilt and continued to grow as one of the most populous and economically important American cities.

Delhi Ill, straightline postmark with manuscript "Mar 5" date and "Paid 5" rating on 1846 folded letter to Alton Ill., Very Fine, ex-Rohloff. Estimate $150 - 200.

Downers. Grove / Illinois., bold strike of two-line postmark showing remnants of fancy surround, with manuscript "May 5th" date and matching "10" rating on 1846 folded letter to Marlborough Conn.; edge splitting, a Very Fine and choice strike, ex-Rohloff. Estimate $300 - 400.

"Equality Ill, April 27th", manuscript postmark below crossed out manuscript "Raleigh Ill, Apr 27" postmark and "Paid 5" rating on blue 1850 folded letter datelined "Marion Ill. 27th April 1850" to Hopkinsville Ky.; light edge toning, F.-V.F., This letter was written by a black man. Estimate $150 - 200.

Freedom Ill, sharp strike of straightline in brown with manuscript "Mar 25" date and matching "10" rating on blue 1851 folded letter to Fayetteville N.Y., Very Fine and exceptionally rare. Estimate $400 - 600.

Galena, Il. / Aug 21, two-line slanted postmark on 1830 folded letter from Fort Crawford to Genl. Jessup in Washington D.C., letter of Col. Morgan datelined "Head Quarters 1st. Inftry, Fort Crawford Augt. 14th. 1830" and regarding carpentry, docketed at top, file folds, F.-V.F., ex-Rohloff. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $500

Galena Ills. Jun 5, bold strike of red cds with matching "Paid" and "10" rating handstamps on 1850 folded letter from Sauke Prairie Wis. to Lewistown Pa., manuscript "Steamer Enterprise" endorsement, a choice and Very Fine steamboat use, ex-Rohloff. Estimate $150 - 200.