Florida Stamped Postal History, 1852-1891, small group of 9 better covers comprising 1852 Picolata red cds with #11, 1852 "Mineral Springs Fla" manuscript postmark with #11A, 1855 Pierceville cds with #11A, 1855 "Orange Springs Fla." manuscript postmark with #11, 1867 Key West Fla. cds on faulty cover with #68 (2) and #73 pair to England, 1869 Jacksonville blue duplex with #114, two 1885 covers for New Independent Fast Line Steamer 'Chesapeake' St. Johns River Florida with original illustrated matching enclosures showing steamboat, and 1891 Rockledge cds on #220 on illustrated Hotel Indian River cover, F.-V.F., an interesting group. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,500

Lot 1366
Florida Territory Postal History, 1822-1844. Group of 38 covers with many better including "St. Augustine/15 Oct 1822" two-line postmark, 1837 "St. Mark, Florida, Dec 30" cds with manuscript day, 1842 "Marion M. Florida, Feby 26th 1844" manuscript postmark, 1839 "Mineral Springs Fla, 1 April" manuscript postmark, 1844 "Monticello flor. 7 Mar" red cds, 1844 Mariana Fl. T. to Galveston Texas with light red "Shipl handstamp, 1843 Jacksonville Flor. red cds, 1834 Quincy Flor red oval datestamp, few incoming, etc.; some faults, F.-V.F., a remarkable group with many better.Estimate; $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,500

Florida Fort Postal History, 1836-1842, group of 10 covers datelined at Camps or Forts including "Camp Land Syne Florida", "Fort Roger Jones, W.F.", "Fort Heileman Gareys ferry E.F.", "Fort Stansbury, Florida", "Fort Harrison, Fla.", "Fort Wacassasa E.F.", "Fort No. 11 E Fla.", "Fort Baille", "Fort Fanning" and "Fort Brooke", few with decent content; some faults, F.-V.F. and important group. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $1,050