"Fort Pleasant, M.F. March 22, 1842", Middle Florida territorial dateline on folded letter with red "Tallahassee Flor. Mar 31" cds and red manuscript "25" rating to Burlington Vt., letter begins "We returned from a Scout on the Suwanee River about a week since…Our Scouting party consisted of 120 men and 6 officers, was out 12 days in the hammocks in the vicinity of Charles Ferry on the Suwanee River. Saw no Indians during the tour but found a Camp where they had been about 3 weeks before, probably 8 or 10 in number. A detachment of the Infantry under Col. Whistler, operating in the same direction, was more fortunate and took 9 Indian women & children prisoners in their camp. The men themselves got clear of the troops. Maj. Belknap has taken 19 Indians prisoners on the Caloosahatchee River in East Florida in the Big Cypress Swamp and Maj. Plympton has taken 6 men…Capt. Wheeler says he has seen two orders given that the was finished: an order by Gen. Scott and one by Gen. Macomb and he shall not be satisfied that the troops are going to get out of the country until they are well started on their way to the North and West…", Very Fine and excellent letter content, ex-Beals. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,000

"Fort San Carlos de Barrancas, West Florida, January 24th 1823", dateline on folded letter addressed to Secretary of War John C. Calhoun, Washington D.C., entered mails with "Pensacola. / Jan. 31st." two-line postmark and manuscript "25" rating crossed out and updated to "Free", letter concerns soldier's appointment as sutler and difficulties resulting from contraction of yellow fever; folded separations, Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
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"Fort Sherrard M.F., April 2, 1839", datelined folded letter to Winchester Va. endorsed "Via Tallahassee, M.F.", entered mails with "Tallahassee Flo. April 5, 1839" oval postmark and manuscript "25" cent rating, some toning, Fine and rare Fort. Estimate $300 - 400.
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(Florida Indian Wars) "St. Augustine Sep. 20th 1836", dateline on folded letter from a soldier who writes (in part): "You ask a great many questions about the Indians &c. &c. - I have little to say with regard to the Indians except that it is highly probable that in a few months from this time the yellow rascals will be brought to terms. The Governor of the Territory who directs everything connected with the war is making great exertions to bring it to a speedy close. 800 friendly Creek Indians and 1200 Tennessee volunteers are to join the troops now in Florida. Operations will commence about the middle of November…You wish to know how far I am.from the scene of War. I answer directly in the midst of it - persons have been killed by the Indians…a man residing on the north side of Black Creek was murdered by a party of 7 or 8 indians. The indians shot his wife through the neck and arm scalped her or in fact skinned her head and then as she lay on the ground seemingly dead, the indians took a bundle of raw cotton which was near at hand covered the woman over with it, and then set fire to it., her clothes took fire but the woman lay perfectly still - dead as the indians supposed - in this situation they left her - as soon as the indians were out of sight she soon went to a stream bathed her head and found her way finally to Jacksonville about 20 miles off. I believe the woman is still living." etc., outersheet with partial Georgetown Wash. postmark; few sealed tears, Fine and outstanding letter. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,200

"Head Quarters, St Augustine, Oct. 3, 1837", datelined on folded letter with Thomas J. Jesup, Major General, ALS as Commander of Army of the South to Maj. Truman Cross, Actg. Q.M. Gen., Washington D.C., entered mails with red "Savannah Geo. Oct 7" cds and matching "Paid" handstamp with red manuscript "75" express mail rating, endorsed "Head Quarters, Army of the South" and "Express Mail"; reading in part: "Major, I have just been informed that ten fine Companies have been organized in North Alabama for service in Florida…In the uncertainty of obtaining an Indian force, and the positive certainty that General Smith will be delayed by the yellow fever at New Orleans, I have determined to accept these volunteers…I consider the presence of this regiment as determining in great measure the question of failure or success of the Campaign…By recent captures important information has been obtained. If I had force, now would be the time for efficient action."; file folds and some edge wear at bottom, Very Fine, ex-Meroni. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,600