"Camp Barrancas, November 24th 1821" (Military Government Period), datelined folded letter to Brig. General Jesup, Quartermaster General, Washington D.C., Captain endorsement, entered mails with "Pensacola./ Dec. 4." two-line postmark and manuscript "Free" rating; some toning, some faults and fold separations, Fine and scarce use from Camp Barrancas. Estimate $400 - 600.
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"Fort Armstrong E.F., Jan. 15th 1837", datelined folded letter entered mails with red "Jacksonville Flor. Jan 19" cds and matching "Free" framed handstamp to Brig. Gen. r. Jones, Adgt. General, Washington D.C., endorsed "On Public Service" and concerning want of blank muster rolls for quarterly returns; light file folds, fresh and Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.

"Fort Brooke Tampa Bay East Florida, 2d Sept 1835", datelined folded letter with manuscript "Tampa Fla, Sept. 3 1835" postmark (Type I) and matching "25" cent rating to Cadet E.W. Morgan at West Point, contents from ex-cadet who left under unstated but unhappy circumstances, mentions support of friends, gossip about others in the military, and mention "the mail comes and goes from this place by express without any regularity"; some ink bleed through, Fine, This is the earliest recorded Tampa type I postmark. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $900

"Quarter Masters Office, Ft. Brooke May 31. 1838", datelined folded letter addressed to Lieut. E.W. Morgan, Acty Asst. Qmaster, Fort Dade, E. Florida, signed by "J.B. Brant, Q.M." and endorsed "On Service" and "Special Express" at top, contents concern wagons to transport supplies to Fort Dade, Very Fine and rare military endorsed express use. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $1,200

"Fort Davis Fla, Oct 31 1857", manuscript postmark with matching "Registered No 1" on blue folded cover to David S. Walker, Tallahassee Fla. bearing 3¢ dull red (26) cancelled by matching pen cancel, Very Fine, ex-Beals. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $600

"Fort Drane E.F., June 17th 1836", datelined folded letter entered mails with red "Jacksonville Flo. Jun '24' " cds with red manuscript day and matching "25" cent rating to General R. Jones, Adjt. General, Washington D.C., endorsed "On Service" and letter concerns a dead suttler's estate; file folds, fresh and Very Fine, ex-Beals. Estimate $200 - 300.

"Fort Gamble, Middle Florida, June 22nd 1841", dateline on folded letter with red "Tallahasssee, Floa. July 1, 1841" oval datestamp and red manuscript "25" rating to New York N.Y., letter reads in part "There have been several murders committed in this vacinity…A week since a Mr. Livingston a very worthy young man was shot and mangled in the most shocking manner, they cutting off his legs and arms and otherwise disfiguring his corpse. Yesterday I returned from a very disagreeable duty having with 19 others been ordered to proceed about 15 miles from this place to bury two negro's who had been killed three days previous, they were wagoners, We found them tied to a tree and their brains knocked out, the Indians either not wishing to waste their ammunition or for fear of giving an alarm…three of the mules had also been knocked in the head…", Very Fine and rare use from Fort Gamble, ex-Beals. Estimate $400 - 600.
Welaunee Plantation was established in 1826 when Robert Gamble brought his family to Florida. Robert's brother, John Grattan Gamble, established Waukeenah Plantation next to Welaunee. From 1838, Fort Welaunee became a settlers' fort on the Welaunee Plantation near Wacissa. Later this was Fort Gamble and operated from 1839-1843.
Realized: $850

"Fort Lane, E.F. Feb. 15, 1838", manuscript postmark endorsement on folded letter endorsed "Care of Capt. J.A à Laguell, Ord. Off. U.S.A." at lower left, entered mails with red "Savannah Geo, Feb 22" cds and red manuscript "25" cent rating to Martinsburg Va.; small fold breaks, interesting letter: "Dear Mother, I rec'd. you;letter'yesterday by the Army express (his emphasis) from Ft. Mellon…the Seminole War if it is not now at this moment finished, I think it will certainly be brought to a close this winter…I have as I informed you before been in a skirmish but not a battle. A battle was fought by the main army under Gen. Jesup on the 29th ult. several of the regulars and number of the Tennessee volunteers were killed, a few of the Indians were also killed, and Sam Jones and a large number of Indians taken prisoners, with their women and children. The powder magazine of the Indians was found. Gen. Jesup recd. a wound in the chest not dangerous-and had his spectacles shattered on his face. The engagement took place in the Ochee-chobee Islands. Gen. Jesup was with the advance guard, composed of mounted Tennesseans and where he was found at all times in the last war, and now this, in the midst of the fire! When the bullets began to whistle, one of the Tennessee captains thinking discretion the better part of valor' wheeled his horse and was about to be off like, but the Gen. not being disposed (to) let him, drew his pistol and threatened to shoot him if he attempted a further retreat. The volunteer Capt., like the Coons in Kentucky, had to give in. We have 5 Indian prisoners at this post - 2 squaws, 2 children and 1 warrior. The squaws are the wives of the warrior, and one the mother of the other and the children.", Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Fort Lane was a Seminole Indian War fort that never had an established post office nor postmaster. The site is unclear but was located in current day Orange County.
Realized: $1,600

"Fort Marion, 19th July 1828", datelined folded letter entered mails with mostly clear red "St. Augustine, E. Flo. July 24" fancy oval postmark with matching "Free" rating handstamp to Col. Roger Jones, Adj. General, Washington D.C., endorsed "On Public Service" at top right and reports some difficulties with officers at the Fort, Very Fine, ex-Beals. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $500

"Fort McCoy, Fla, March 21", manuscript postmark on blue 1853 folded letter to Tallahassee, land business contents from the Walker correspondence, Very Fine and scarce. Estimate $400 - 600.
The Fort McCoy, Florida post office was established on January 17, 1852, only a few months earlier than this cover's mailing.
Realized: $800