The Central Overland California & Pikes Peak Express Company, Denver City K.T. Dec. 1, clear strike of oval datestamp on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire to New York, reverse with second strike of Denver City oval without date used as company frank, oval "The Central Overland and California, Pikes Peak, Express Company, St. Joseph, Mo., Dec 10" date stamp, entered the U.S. mails with "Saint Joseph Mo. Dec. 11" cds and matching grid canceling, manuscript "Due 3" reiterated in pencil indicating a double weight letter, Very Fine and choice, ex-Barkhausen, Rogers. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
This entire was sent outside the mails from Denver to St. Joseph via the Central Overland Route (Denver-Julesburg-Fort Kearney) on a COC&PP coach. From there it entered the mails to New York.

The Central Overland California & Pike's Peak Express Co., Denver City K.T., May 4, clear strike of oval date stamp on 1861 cover to De Kalb, Illinois, franked with 1857 3¢ dull red (s.e. at right) tied by green "St. Joseph, Mo., May 14" cds, missent and forwarded with "De Kalb, Mo., May 21" cds, with original enclosure datelined "Denver May 2, 1861", Very Fine. Scott No. 26 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $550

Hinckley & Co.'s Express, Denver City, Aug 9, 1860, clear strike of cds on cover addressed to "W.R. Dorn, Nevada City, Arapahoe County, Kansas Territory", franked with 1857, 3¢ dull red, horizontal pair (tiny perf flaws) tied by manuscript "Dorn's Gold Mine, SoCa. 24 Jul, 1860" manuscript cancel, endorsed at bottom left manuscript "Care Hinckley & Co., St Joseph, Missouri"; light cover soiling and expertly restored edge faults, F.-V.F., a wonderful usage from Dorn's Gold Mine, S.C. to a Dorn family member, or perhaps William Dorn himself, in the Colorado Pikes Peak Gold Region during the Kansas territory period and one of the very few known postmarks from Dorn's Gold Mine, S.C. Scott No. 26 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Dorn's Gold Mine was struck in 1852 by William Dorn, who excavated nearly one million dollars in gold before the vein was exhausted in the late 1850s. Dorn used slaves to excavate the dirt and employed several different types of mills to process the gold. Dorn became a wealthy man but lost much of his fortune after the Civil War. Dorn's Gold Mine, the town, was granted a U.S. Post Office on April 5, 1857 and its first Postmaster was Mr. James Dorn.

Hinckley & Co's Express, Printed Frank with "St Joseph, Missouri" Instead of "Denver" (Thomas unlisted) curiously used on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire eastbound to Wisconsin, with "Hinckley & Co's Express, Denver City, Dec 3, 1860" cds and "St. Joseph, Mo., Dec 13" cds with matching grid canceling; cover repaired at left with part of printed frank drawn in, Very Fine appearance, illustrated in Jarrett's Colorado book, ex-Barkhausen, Persson. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $550

Hinckley & Co.'s Express Mail, printed fancy scroll frank with 3-line directive imprint above (HIN-007) on grid canceled 1860, 3¢ Star Die entire to the "Times" newspaper in Leavenworth, Kansas, oval "The Central Overland and California, Pikes Peak, Express Company, Sep 5, Denver City K.T." date stamp and reverse with similar date stamp dated "Jul 4" used as a company frank, manuscript 1861 docketing at left; reduced at right into indicia and potion of address panel, F.-V.F., a very Hinckley & Co.'s Express frank type used as a remainder after the Central Overland California & Pike's Peak Express Co. bought out Hinckley & Co. on May 11th, 1861., only one is recorded by Thomas (Wiltsee collection example) however this cover and another example are known, ex-Rogers. Estimate $500 - 750.
The cover traveled outside the mails from Denver to Leavenworth via the Central Overland Route (Denver-Julesburg-Fort Kearney) on a COC&PP coach. It entered the mails in Leavenworth for local delivery.

Jones & Russell's Pikes Peak Express Co., Denver City, circular express postmark without date, on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire to Albion, Mich., entered the mails with "Leavenworth, K.T., Jul 31, 1859" cds; cover reduction at left just into rim of express postmark professionally restored, Very Fine appearance, still an attractive example of the earliest known usage of this express company handstamp. Scott No. U10 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $475

Jones & Russell's Pike's Peak Express Co, Denver City, Aug 12 1859, complete sharp strike of cds on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire to Duplain, Mich., entered the U.S. mails with "Leavenworth City, K.T., Aug 23, 1859" cds canceling indicia; small edge tears and nick, a bit reduced at left, otherwise Very Fine, ex-Rogers. Estimate $500 - 750.
While still operating the Leavenworth City & Pikes Peak Express, Jones and Russell purchased the John Hockaday line, which had the government mail contract to Salt Lake City via the Platte River. Eventually, this led to the termination of the Republican River-Fort Riley route used by the Leavenworth City & Pikes Peak Express. Jones & Russell's express operated from July 1859 to February 1860, charging 25¢ per letter.
Realized: $475

(Wells, Fargo & Co.) Norrie Colo., straightline agent line handstamp on 1884, 2¢ brown entire to Aspen, Colo., black company frank at top, with original 1888 Wells, Fargo & Co. letterhead enclosure datelined from Norrie; cover slight rough reduction at left, otherwise Very Fine, an extremely rare Wells, Fargo & Co. Express usage from Norrie Colorado. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325