"Now Look Pleasant", illustrated corner card on scarce envelope with "H.C. Lavette's Patent Envelope for Mailing Photographs, Chicago" imprint on reverse depicting a photo of a woman housed in a special case, bearing 5¢ rose lake (76) pair tied by two strikes of "Honolulu. H.I. Dec 12 1895" duplexes to L. Vernon Briggs at Boston Mass., return address of "Miss H.L. Lewers, Honolulu, H.I."; reduced slightly at bottom, F.-V.F. Peters-Uota No. MAILER-CC-3 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $350

American Sugar Co., Molokai., fancy printed corner card on cover to W.J. Lowrie, Spreckelsville Maui bearing 2¢ rose (81) tied by purple "Wailuku, Maui. Jun 28, 1899" cds, F.-V.F. Peters-Uota No. ASC2-CC-1 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $260

"W.H.G. Arnemann", purple script straightline handstamp on reverse of two covers, first on 2¢ brown (75) tied by purple "Waianae, Oahu, Mar 1, 1896" cds to Hobron Drug Co. at Honolulu, mounting stains on back; other with straightline and additional two-line "Kahuku Plantation, / Kahuku, Oahu, H.I." handstamp on reverse of 5¢ blue (U12) to Germany cancelled by purple "Kahuku, Oahu, Jun 29, 1895" cds, "Honolulu, Jul 1, 1895" transit cds, F.-V.F. and rare pair. Peters-Uota No. KP-HS-2, 2 var. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $290

Capital Coffee & Commercial Co., Ltd., Olaa, Hawaii., printed corner card on cover to M. McInerny, Boots & Shoes, Honolulu bearing 2¢ rose (81) tied by "Olaa, Hawaii, Mar 24" duplex (MH 253.9a1) with four-ring cancel, reverse with Honolulu (3.28) arrival duplex and couple mounting stains, Very Fine. Peters-Uota No. CCCC-CC-1 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $280

Hitchcock & Co. Plantation, Papaikou, H.I., Aug 8, 1879, purple double-oval corner card handstamp on cover to Hattie A. Coleman, Honolulu bearing 2¢ brown (35), small flaws, tied by square grid cancel, matching bold "Post Office, Hilo, H.I. Aug 8, 1879" cds (MH 238.02), rimless "Post Office, Honolulu, H.I. Aug 11 1879" cds (MH 223.029) and additional strike of patent cancel (Gregory ring3-21 (patent)); penciled note on reverse, F.-V.F., a scarce corner card handstamp. Peters-Uota No. HCP-HS-1 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $240

Hutchinson Sugar Plantation Co., Naalehu, Kau, Hawaii, printed corner card on cover addressed to Hart & Co., Honolulu H.I. bearing 2¢ brown (75) with left selvage, tied by purple "Naalehu, Hawaii, Nov 12, 1896" cds and matching four-ring cancel; small stain at right, F.-V.F. Peters-Uota No. HSPC-CC-1 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $300

R.W. Meyer, Kalae, Molokai, two different double-oval sender's backstamps, first on cover bearing 2¢ brown (75) tied by purple four-rings with matching "Kaunakakai, Molokai, Mar 6, 1896" double-circle datestamp adjacent to Honolulu, worm hole affects 2¢; and other on reverse of 2¢ carmine (U2) cancelled by "Honolulu. H.I. Oct 2, 1893" duplex to Otto Meyer & Bros., Kalae, Molokai. Peters-Uota No. RWM-HS-1A, HS-2 Estimate $300 - 400.
Rudolph Wilhelm Meyer was a sugar plantation manager and leper settlement superintendent. He also served as postmaster of Kaunakakai (1868-97) and Pukoo (1884-92).
Realized: $475

Olaa Sugar Company, Olaa, Puna, Hawaii, printed corner card on cover bearing 2¢ rose (81) selvage single tied by purple "Olaa Plantation, Hawaii, Mar 9 1900" rimmed cds (MH 259.01) to M. McInerny, Honolulu, partial Hilo (3.10) transit cds and Honolulu (3.13) arrival duplex; light cover toning, F.-V.F., A scarce corner card and matching plantation cds. Peters-Uota No. OSC2-CC-1 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $1,350

Paia Plantation, Paia, Maui, H.I., printed corner card on cover to M. McInerny & Co., Honolulu bearing 2¢ rose (81) tied by partial "Paia, Maui. Jul 15 1899" duplex, indistinct Honolulu arrival backstamp, Very Fine. Peters-Uota No. PP-CC-2 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $290