1859 (Sep. 15) Chicago Ill. to Vienna, Austria, cover bearing 1¢ blue (24) and three 3¢ dull red (26) singles, tied by two strikes of "Chicago Ill. Sep 15, 1859" cds, red "N. York, Brem. Pkt. '7 Paid' Oct 1" exchange cds, although endorsed via Weser, actually carried by NGL New York from New York Oct. 1st to Bremerhaven arriving Oct. 16th, blue "America / Uber Bremen / Franco" three-line transit handstamp, Vienna (10.19) arrival backstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $290

1859 (Nov. 1) Skowhegan Me. to Vienna, Austria, cover bearing 1¢ blue (24), 3¢ dull red (26) pair and single, and two 10¢ green (35) singles, cancelled by "Skowhegan Me Nov 1" cds and manuscript "X", "Paid" handstamp and endorsed "Per. Prussian Closed mail" at bottom, red "Boston Br. Pkt. 'Paid 7' Nov 2" exchange credit cds, carried by Cunard Line Europa from Boston Nov. 2nd to Liverpool arriving Nov. 13th, red Aachen Franco framed transit, Vienna (11.17) arrival backstamp; cover repaired including lower left corner, Fine, Prepaid for the 30¢ Prussian Closed Mail rate.; with 1988 P.F. certificate. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $500

1859 (Nov. 7) New Orleans La. to Austria, printed prices current bearing 1¢ blue (24) pair tied by "New Orleans La. Oct 15" cds, carried by Inman Line City of Washington from New York Oct. 22nd to Liverpool arriving Nov. 3rd, red French (11.4) transit cds, Tannwald (11.8) arrival backstamp, Austria blue manuscript "9" kr. due rating, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $700

1859 (Dec. 16) Doylestown Pa. to Brussels, Belgium, cover bearing 12¢ black (36) vertical pair, tied by "Doylestown Pa. Dec 12" cds, red "Phil. Am. Pkt. '3' Dec 16" exchange cds, carried by Havre Line Fulton from New York Dec. 17th to Southampton arriving Dec. 30th, red London Paid (12.30) transit cds, British manuscript "2" pence debit, Bruxelles (12.31) backstamp and blue manuscript "4" décimes due rating; partial flap, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
This letter was overpaid 3¢ for the 24¢ American packet rate. It was rated at Philadelphia as fully prepaid with a 3¢ credit to G.B.
Realized: $800

1860 (Oct. 16) Cincinnati Oh. to Bruxelles, Belgium, light buff cover bearing 3¢ dull red (26) and 24¢ gray lilac (37), tied by blue open circular grid cancels duplexed with "Cincinnati O. Oct 16" cds on cover to Bruxelles, Belgium, red "N. York '7 Paid' Am. Pkt. Oct 20" exchange cds, reverse with "Etats Unis Par Ostende, 5 - 11, 60" transit cds and Bruxelles (11.5) arrival cds plus "Am. Packet." straightline handstamp; stamp faults including 24¢ with piece out at top, addressee last name partly erased, Fine, A rare 1857 issue franking prepaying the 27¢ Belgium closed mail rate that was effective Jan. 1st 1860 to Dec. 31, 1867. Estimate $300 - 400.

1861 (Oct. 3) Clifton Ill. to Eghezee, Belgium, orange buff cover bearing 1¢ blue (24), light pre-use crease, and 10¢ green (35) pair, short perf, all tied by red open grid cancels, red manuscript "Clifton Ill, Oct 3/61" postmark and "PD" framed imitation, red "New York 'Paid 18' Oct 9" exchange cds, carried by Cunard Persia from New York Oct. 9th to Queenstown arriving Oct. 19th, French (10.21.61) transit cds and matching framed "P.D." handstamp, Eghezee (10.23) arrival backstamp; no flap, some minor wear, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.

1860 (Jun. 14) Philadephia Pa. to Copenhagen, Denmark, buff cover bearing 10¢ green (35) pair tied by "Philadelphia Pa. Jun 14" octagonal datestamp and red "N. York Hamb. Pkt. 'Paid' Jun 15" exchange cds, magenta "15" credit rating, carried by HAPAG Line Vanderbilt from New York Jun. 16th to Hamburg arriving Jun. 27th, Hamburg (6.30.60) transits and Copenhagen (7.1) arrival cds, "Franco 2" sbr handstamp; opened on two sides with some wear, F.-V.F. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $600