Domestic Mail, balance of 25 covers on exhibit pages with a variety of stampless and stamped usages including paid 3¢ and unpaid 5¢ rates, 1861 Patriotic bearing #26 and Bloods #15L14 on patriotic cover, #24 strip of three from plate X on Amesbury Mass. cover to South Danvers Mass., 1851 folded cover with #11A vertical pair with green grid cancels and matching "Belvidere Ill." cds, various multiple rate covers with #26 frankings: 3x, 4x, 4x strip, 5x, 1861 5x use with #26 and #65 franking, 5x with #26 block of four and single, some drop letters and two advertised usages, etc., some faults, F.-V.F. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $700

Forwarding Postage Rates, group of 6 covers on exhibit pages including 1857 with #11 to Boston and forwarded with #25 to Quincy, 1861 Wilmington Del. with #64B to Philadelphia and forwarded with mixed issue #63, 26 franking for the 3¢ postage plus carrier fee (PFC), possible demonetized use of 3¢ 1857, 1861 Bahamas to Savannah via New York with #26, some docketing; Fredericksburg Va. with #11A to Gordonsville and forwarded with 5¢ due handstamp, etc., some faults, Fine group. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375

Free Mail, group of 12 covers on exhibit pages including Mar. 1857 John C. Breckinridge free franked cover front, 1857 James Buchanan free frank as President (PSE cert), Red Bluff Cal. free frank of postmaster J.R. Bradway, some free franks of Members of Congress, Senators, etc., F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $400

Newspaper and Circular Rates, group of six covers and wrappers on exhibit pages comprising #24 tied by red Providence R.I. cds, #24 on Milford Mass. wrapper to South Wrentham Mass. docketed "1 Tract", two #24 pairs on wrapper to Keedysville Md docketed "4 Papers", #63 tied by Providence R.I. cds on part of "Home Journal" newspaper to No. Fairhaven Mass., #7 tied by small Boston "Paid" on wrapper docketed "circular", and #24 pair on Boston unsealed American Sunday School Union advertising cover to Exeter N.H.; some faults, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375

Way Rates, group of 7 covers on exhibit pages including #9, 11A prepaying way fee from Charleston to Aiken S.C., #11 pair with "Way" cancels of Mobile Ala., #11 tied by indistinct Mobile "Due way 1c" canceller to Boston Mass., #24, 26 manuscript cancelled "Way 1 Cent" from Sutton N.H. to Washington D.C., Troy & New York Steamboat use with faulty #11A to Rochester N.Y., etc., F.-V.F. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $500