(Sacramento) Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Folsom, blue oval handstamp (Leutzinger type 3-1) on fresh 1861 3¢ pink entire to San Francisco, Cal., black Haller type E printed frank, with "A. Alexander & Co., Clothing, Dry Goods" corner card, Very Fine, ex-Leutzinger. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $130

(Sacramento) Wells, Fargo & Co., Folsom, Feb 1, blue oval datestamp at left and additional strike on backflap of 3¢ pink (U34) entire to Stonington Conn. updated with 3¢ rose (65) pair tied by two strikes of "New York Mar 7" duplex, all-over green Palmer & Day Assayers of Gold shaded ad, printed black Wells Fargo paid frank at left and endorsed "Steamer" at bottom left; edge flaws, Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $325

(Sacramento) Wells, Fargo & Co., Folsom, Apr 16, two strikes of red oval datestamp (one inverted) cancels 3¢ green entire with preprinted address to Wells Fargo & Co's Bank, San Francisco Cal., printed black Wells Fargo paid frank, printed "J.H. Burnham, Banker, Folsom, Cal." corner card, Extremely Fine and scarce strike in red. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $220

(Sacramento) Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Mormon Island, blue oval handstamp ties two 3¢ rose (65) singles on buff paste-up cover to San Francisco Cal., manuscript "Col 30" at top left, reverse with 3¢ pink (U35) buff entire with printed black Wells Fargo paid frank and blue "Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Mormon Island" oval handstamp; small flaws, F.-V.F., ex-Hackett. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $270

(Sacramento) Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Sacramento, full clear strike of small red oval handstamp (Leutzinger type 1-23) on ca. 1852 cover addressed to San Francisco, Extremely Fine, the earliest Wells Fargo mark for Sacramento (a new unlisted mark) and Certainly One Of, If Not the Finest Known, ex Salzer (with his notes on reverse). Estimate $500 - 750.
This cover along with the Sacramento "Too Late" and Assembly marking are among the most important Sacramento Wells Fargo covers.
Realized: $575

(Sacramento) Sacramento, Cal., bold blue double oval handstamp (WFE-001) on folded letter datelined August 29, 1852 from the Wells Fargo Office at Sacramento (the Sacramento Office opened July 13, 1852) to Marysville, manuscript "$15 Coin enclosed" endorsement, letter addressed to three different expressmen - Rumrill, Everts & Becker, Extremely Fine and rare, an important item in that it shows the connection between Wells Fargo and other express men at an early period, less than five examples of this blue handstamp are recorded. Estimate $400 - 600.
Believed to be the earliest Wells Fargo folded letter from Sacramento. The letter addresses four express men, Frank Rumrill of Rumrill & Co. Express, Frank Everts of Everts Express, George Becker of Becker & Co. Express and Henry Everts. Only four examples of the Wells Fargo rare WFE-001 frank have been recorded. One of the examples has been off the market for a number of years and has just been returned to the collecting market in the last few years. Collector can view two of the known examples in this auction.
Realized: $850

(Sacramento) Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Sacramento, clear blue double oval handstamp (Leutzinger type 1-24) on folded letter datelined "December 3, 1852", to San Francisco, Very Fine, a very scarce early usage. Estimate $300 - 400.

(Sacramento) Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Sacramento, red oval handstamp canceling on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire to Volcano, Cal. "care Simonds & Co., merchants", with original enclosure, F.-V.F. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $70

(Sacramento) Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Sacramento, red oval handstamp (Leutzinger type 1-12) and matching unlisted "Free" in oval handstamp on 1853 3¢ red entire to San Francisco, Extremely Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $260

(Sacramento) Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Sacramento, full bold blue oval handstamp (Leutzinger type 3-1) on fresh 1853, 3¢ red entire to Todds Valley, black Haller type E printed frank, Extremely Fine and choice. Estimate $150 - 200.