(San Francisco) San Francisco, Cal., grid cancel tying 1857 10¢ type II on 1857 cover to Pennsylvania, cover forwarded with manuscript cancel 1857 3¢ with Harrisburg, Pa. cds to Shelbyville, Ill., Very Fine and choice, an unusual item without San Francisco postmark. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $150

(San Francisco) San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 24, neat cds tying 1859, 10¢ green, type V (left margin guideline single showing portion of stamp from other pane, deep color) on cover to Killingly, Conn., with fancy boxed Killingly, Ct., Sept 20 date stamp used as a receiving postmark; cover slightly reduced at right, Very Fine, an unusual and unique usage. Scott No. 35 Estimate $300 - 400.

(San Francisco) San Francisco, Cal., Sep 28, 1860, bold cds on folded letter to Reims, France, with matching "OVERLAND." straight line handstamp, "New York, Oct 24" exchange cds and blue crayon "15" rating, French entry cds's with "8" decimes due handstamp, Reims arrival backstamp, Very Fine, a choice example of the San Francisco "OVERLAND." straight line handstamp. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $350

(San Francisco) San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 2, 1865, double circle postmark on yellow cover to to Austin, N. T. (Nevada Terr.) franked with two single 1863 ¢ Blackjacks tied by target cancels, 2nd strike of "San Francisco Aug 8 1865" double circle postmark applied and cancelled by San Francisco bar grid, cover addressed to James F. Reed, a member of the Donner Party, cover reduced slightly at left, Very Fine and unusual. Scott No. 73 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200

(San Francisco) San Francisco Cal '10' Sep 24, integral due cds on cover bearing 10¢ green (68) tied by circular grid cancel to Dr. Wm. Commons, Asst. Surg. U.S. Navy, U.S.S. Suwanee, care of U.S. Consul Panama N.G., endorsed at left "Answered - San Francisco, Oct 7 1866"; reduced slightly at right, otherwise Very Fine and unusual forwarded use. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $190

(San Francisco) San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 10, bold strike of cds duplexed with target cancel tying 10¢ green (68), rich color, couple tiny perf flaws, on 1867 yellow cover from Vancouver V.I. to Boston Mass., blue "Post Office, Victoria Vancouver Island, Paid" oval frank handstamp, original enclosed letter datelined "Victoria V.I. July 31st /67"; trivial cover stain, Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.

(San Francisco) San Francisco 1906 Earthquake Collection, group of 8 items comprising (Apr. 21) San Francisco cds on stampless cover to Stockton Cal. with original letter saying "Your people are all Ok and so are we…The St. Andre's was burnt but they got out all right…" (Apr. 21) San Francisco duplex on folded adversity letter made from postmaster's carrier report form to Stockton with short message "We are all safe and the fire is no were near us…" (Apr. 21) indistinct San Francisco cds on blue cover to Stockton with original letter reading "All burned out, not a thing left, we have left for the park", slip of paper with San Francisco (Apr. 23) duplex to Stockton and Stockton (4.26) machine arrival with message "Place is all … entirely burned out we are safe and out to Park…"; also includes letter from same correspondence with Crocker Quality letterhead relaying news; San Francisco (4.22) machine cancel on cover to 126 Grattan St. S.F. return address to Stockton Cal., reverse with Stockton (4.22) arrival, original letter reading "No doubt you will be surprised to hear from one of the suffers so soon but…Hoping you will not think too unkindly of this recking, fiery and wicked city…", partial San Francisco (4.22) cds on slip of lined paper to Stockton Cal. with (4.22) arrival backstamp, letter reads "Will & I are both alive, but think I would have a different story if it hadn't been we were in doors last eve…", and final item is buff slip of paper to Stockton Cal. with note reading "San Francisco 4/23/06, J.W.W. All burned out. lost every thing will come soon, Mc J." but apparently not posted till later as with Stockton (May 5) duplex and purple "Due 1 Cents" purple straightline and manuscript cancelled 1¢ postage due affixed, F.-V.F., An important group of quake letters. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
On April 18, 1906, a major earthquake devastated San Francisco. Almost 30,000 buildings were destroyed, 700 persons died and 30,000 were made homeless. The fire that followed the earthquake destroyed the post office's supply of stamps. The Post Office Department permitted residents to send letters free of postage for a time after the disaster.
Realized: $1,100

(San Francisco) "San Francisco, Cal., Apr. 30, 1906" (1906 Earthquake), machine cancel on 2¢ Columbian entire from stamp dealer E.F. Gambs to Newark N.J., original letter accompanies with interesting content mentioning enclosed order and stating "Our stock is O.K., but lists were burned up at the printers.", Very Fine, written only 10 days after the earthquake struck. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $240

(San Joaquin) Linden, Cal., Sep. 29, clear cds (SAJ-1270, R4) on 1868 cover to Sharon, Canada, franked with 1863, 5¢ brown, three singles tied by grid handstamps, manuscript "Overland via Detroit & Toronto" routing endorsement and reverse with transit and receiving cds's; cover with slight soiling and reduction at right, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 76 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $120

(San Joaquin) Marietta, Cal., Oct 30 / 59, manuscript postmark (no postmarks recorded by Williams) and "Paid 10cts", on illustrated "From San Francisco Via Los Angeles" six-horse stagecoach cover with wording crossed out, bold straight line handstamp "OVERLAND", to Georgia; some soiling and edge wear, Fine and rare, the only known usage of the straight line "Overland" handstamp on a six horse stagecoach illustrated envelope, ex Lichtenstein. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,100