Albany, N.Y. Jun 26 1909, two strikes of duplex tie 10¢ green (E7) and 2¢ Washington on light blue cover to Holyoke Mass.; reverse with "Boston & Albany R.P.O. Jun 27 1909" railroad transit and Holyoke (6.27) arrival cds, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

Norwich N.Y. Jun 19 1909, machine cancel ties 10¢ green (E7) top guide line s.e., and 2¢ Washington on cover to Albany N.Y., purple "Special Delivery" straightline handstamp, magenta "Fee Claimed by Office of / First Address" two-line handstamp, partial Albany (6.20) arrival backstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

Owego N.Y. Mar 9 1910, wavy flag machine cancel ties 10¢ green (E7) on 2¢ on salmon entire to Binghamton N.Y., purple "Fee Claimed by Office of / first Address" two-line handstamp, Mar. 9th arrival backstamps, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.

Saranac Lake, N.Y. Aug 6, two strikes of duplex tie 10¢ green (E7) and 2¢ Washington on cover to Wheeling W.V., reverse with "N.Y. & Chic. R.P.O. E.D. Aug 9 1909" and "Buffalo & Pitts. R.P.O. Aug 7 1909" railroad post office transits, Wheeling (8.7) arrival backstamp, Camp Delvin flap imprint; magenta "Fee Claimed by Office / of First Address" two-line handstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.

Saratoga Springs N.Y. Jun 28 1909, cds duplex ties 10¢ green (E7) and 2¢ Washington on Broadway House corner card cover to Syracuse N.Y., purple "Received at Syracuse N.Y." handstamp with manuscript "6-29-09" dating, Syracuse (6.29) arrival backstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $140

Syracuse, N.Y. Jul 2 1909, two strikes of cds duplex tie 10¢ green (E7) and 2¢ shield (319) on cover to Montclair N.J., Jul. 3rd arrival backstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

Weedsport N.Y. Sep 1 1910, duplex cds with killer ties 10¢ green (E7) on 2¢ entire to Binghamton N.Y., reverse with "N.Y. & Chi. R.P.O., M.D., TR28, Sep 1 1910" transit cds and Binghamton (9.2) arrival cds, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

Beach City Ohio. 1913 Nov. 25, two strikes of duplex tie 10¢ green (E7) and 2¢ Jamestown (329) on cover to Chicago Ill., "Chi. Irving Pk. Sta. Ill. Rec'd Nov 26 1913" arrival backstamp, purple "Fee claimed at Office of / first address." two-line handstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $110

Cincinnati Ohio, Dec 19 1923, bold strikes of cds tie 10¢ green (E7), corner flaw, on 2¢ green on blue entire (U314) to local street address, purple "Fee claimed at Cincinnati." straightline handstamp and large "Special Delivery" straightline, marked in pencil "Closed" on reverse, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120

London Ohio. Apr. 30 1909, two duplexed tie 10¢ green (E7) top guideline s.e., on 2¢ red entire to entire to Columbus Oh., two strikes of black "Special Delivery" handstamps, purple "Rec'd Sp. Del'y Dept. / 4 30 1909 9PM / Columbus Ohio." three line postmark and matching "Fee Claimed by Office of / First Address" two-line handstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110