N.Y. Supplementary 'Paid' Feb 1 '79, two strikes of duplex with "2" barred oval ties 1¢ ultramarine (156) and 2¢ vermilion (178) on 1¢ postal card (UX5) to Austria, Vienna (2.16) receiving cds, Very Fine, prepaid 2¢ postal card rate plus the 2¢ supplementary mail fee. Estimate $750 - 1,000.

N.Y. Supplementary 'Paid' Jan 27 '81, duplex with barred "2" oval ties 10¢ brown (188), well centered within jumbo margins, on 1881 folded cover to London, England, endorsed "p. 'City of Chester' ", red London (2.7) arrival cds, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.

N.Y. Supplementary May 4 '95, two strikes of duplexed tie three 5¢ chocolate (255) singles on 5¢ blue entire to St. Gall, Switzerland prepaid at two times the 5¢ UPU rate plus 10¢ supplementary fee, St. Gallen (5.14) arrival backstamp, Very Fine, a late use of this postmark. Estimate $150 - 200.

"New York 5-26 98" Supplementary Mail Type G, magenta oval cancels tie 5¢ dark blue (281), three singles and pair on reverse, on 5¢ Columbian entire to Germany, endorsed "Pr. S.S. Umbia" at top left, forwarded from Leipzig to Muechen, Jun. 8th arrival backstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $110