Lot 326
1816 (Sep. 27) Philadelphia Pa. to London, England, datelined folded letter endorsed per "Minerva" at bottom left, entered mails with "Liverpool / Ship Letter" two-line framed handstamp with "1/7" due rating for 11d inland (170-230 miles) plus 8d ship fee, red London (10.28) backstamp and additional manuscript "2d" delivery fee rating at top right, Very Fine.Estimate $150 - 200.
Lot 327
1818 (Dec. 18) Liverpool, England to Montreal, Canada via New York, datelined folded letter endorsed "p Ja Monroe" on reverse, carried by Black Ball Line James Monroe from Liverpool Mar. 28th to New York arriving Apr. 30th, red "New-York Apr 30" cds with matching "Ship" straightline and red manuscript "20¾" due rating (18¾4 postage plus 2¢ ship fee), Canadian red manuscript "1N10" 1s10d due rating, Very Fine.Estimate $500 - 750.
The Black Ball line, or "Old Line", inaugurated service with the "James Monroe" sailing from New York Jan. 5th 1818 and the "Courier" sailing from Liverpool Jan. 4th. This letter was carried on the return first voyage of the "James Monroe", which was forced to put back after first departing Mar. 18th, but sailed again successfully on Mar. 28th.
Realized: $850
Lot 328
1819 (c. Nov. 28) London, England to Newport R.I., undated folded cover from the Vernon correspondence endorsed "Packet Herald" at lower left, carried by packet Herald from Liverpool Nov. 29th bound to New York but caught in storm at sea and forced into Narragansett Bay where she had to put into Newport R.I. where the mails were landed, large Newport "SHIP 6" rating handstamp for delivery at port of entry, Very Fine, ex-Hahn.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $650
Lot 329
1820 (Jul. 18) Liverpool, England to New York N.Y., folded letter with neat strike of red "Ship Atlantic, Sailed Jul. 18, W. Matlock" fancy ship oval handstamp, endorsed "p Atlantic" at lower left, New York red manuscript "6" cent due ship rating, Very Fine and choice strike.Estimate $500 - 750.
Lot 330
1822 (Jul. 24) Kingston, Jamaica to Bridgeport Conn., datelined and signed folded letter from Francis Eliott carried by private ship into Philadelphia, entered mails with red "Phil 10 Sep" cds with manuscript "18¾" rating corrected to "12½" cent inland postage, no ship fee added as bootlegged, Very Fine.Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $70
Lot 331
1824, 1876 England to Bermuda, two covers, 1824 (Jan. 1) London, England folded letter to Bermuda endorsed "p. Packet" at lower left, London backstamp and "2/2" 2s2d rating for unpaid Via Halifax rate, carried by Lady Wellington from Falmouth Jan. 12th to Halifax arriving Feb. 27th, then by HMS Argus from Halifax Feb. 27th to Bermuda arriving Mar. 11th, Bermuda manuscript "3/8" 3s8d local currency rating; 1876 (Sep. 18) Margate duplex ties 6d gray to Army Medical Dept. carried by Cunard Line via Halifax, opening tear at bottom, F.-V.F.Estimate $200 - 300.
Lot 332
1830 (Mar. 20) Marseille, France to Philadelphia Pa., folded letter with "Marseille, 21 Mars 1830" cds and manuscript "12" decimes rating on reverse for French internal postage plus 1 decime Voie de Mer fee, "P. 12. P. / Marseille" two-line handstamp and red intertwined "AV" framed marking (Affranchissement Vérifiée), red "New-York May 23" cds and matching small "SHIP" handstamp with red manuscript "12½" inland postage rating, ex-Carroll Chase.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110
Lot 333
1835 (Jul. 22) Philadelphia Pa. to Teneriffe, Canary Islands, datelined folded letter addressed in care of Thos. Moore at London, flap with red "Moses Taylor, New-York" forwarders oval, carried by Red Star Line England from New York Jul. 24th to Liverpool arriving Aug. 16th, flap with "Liverpool / Ship Letter" framed handstamp with "1/7" due rating for 11d inland postage plus 8d ship fee, red London (8.19) backstamp, forwarded by Azores packet departing Aug. 26th for Teneriffe, Very Fine and scarce destination.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $220
Lot 334
1835 (Oct. 28) Somerset, England to Skeanateles N.Y., datelined folded letter with "Penny Post" two-line backstamp and red manuscript "P 2/1" 2s1d rating, manuscript "Post Paid" crossed out and "2/-" rating added, bold "Missent to / FALMOUTH" two-line framed handstamp applied, carried by Black Ball Line Hibernia from Liverpool Nov. 1st to New York arriving Dec. 28th, transatlantic where red "Ship" handstamp and red manuscript "20¾" due rating applied; edge tear and light soiling, Fine and unusual use.Estimate $200 - 300.
Lot 335
1835 (Dec. 31) Liverpool, England to Boston Ms. and forwarded, printed market letter carried by Black Ball Line England from Liverpool Jan. 1st to New York arriving Feb. 10th, red "New-York 'Ship' Feb 10" cds with red manuscript "20¾" rating for 18¾¢ inland plus 2¢ ship fee, red "Boston Ms." cds with matching red "SHIP" and "FORWd." straightlines with red manuscript. "10" cents forwarding postage totaled to "30¾", Very Fine and scarce transatlantic forwarded use, This was the Maiden Voyage of the England for the Black Ball Line, which was purchased from the Red Star Line and replaced the Britannia.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300