Lot 2945 o
Portugal, Assortment, of used earlier issues on stockcard (approximately 55 stamps); includes some early imperf issues, 1866 series complete, good later King Luis perf varieties, etc.; with stamp inventory, condition above the norm, owner's 2010 Michel cat. €3,617, sold in benefit of the MEPSI organization.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $550
Portugal & Colonies, Selection, 1829-1955, group of 41 covers and postal stationery with mint; includes registered, perfin, postal receipt, etc.; inspect. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $250
Portugal & Colonies, Collection, mint and used in two Scott albums, Portugal quite good, features nice assortment of early issues and souvenir sheets, most all Colonies represented with strength in Lourenco Marques, Mozambique, Nyassa and Timor, highlights include Portugal 108 ($400), 144 ($140), 747-48 NATO ($200), B1-12 and NH souvenir sheets 602a ($125), 594a ($275), 641a, 657a ($210), 661a, 667a, 674a and 701a, owner's 2015 Scott catalog approximately $10K, worth inspection. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,800
Romania, Stock, general mostly mint stock arranged on stockpages in five binders; from a mix of mint & used early issues to later commemoratives and definitives mostly in modest to moderate mint quantities with some good sets including 1926 King Ferdinand imperf set, including useful to good back-of-the-book issues with #B292-B303 x2, etc. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190
Russia, Postal History Collection, assortment of 19th and early 20th Century items, includes 1867 cover with narrow-tailed eagle from Kazan to Penza, 1868 stampless folded letter from St. Petersburg to Bordeaux, plus several covers and a couple of Parcel Post cards with Arms issues, various early Registered items, mint entires, etc.; should be inspected. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $350
Ryukyus, Collection, mostly complete collection on Scott album pages (less16A, 16B and 17) includes 8-13, 14-15, 18, 19-26, 44-53, C1-3, C9-13 etc. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $160
Salvador, Accumulation, old time holding on album pages, stockbook, glassines, etc.; from first issues on with the array of issue (no modern) including back-of-the-book, thousands of stamps with much unsorted; please inspect for full evaluation. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $475
Scandinavia, Collection, 1851-1900, of mostly used housed on album pages; with Denmark including large margin #1 which appears to be first printing (cat $1,200 for later printing), 1853-57 issues complete all 4-margin, good later issues and officials including complete first issues, includes additional page of mostly imperf classics showing various shades, Finland with 1859, 5k blue, vertically laid paper issue (Sc. 3B, cat $18,000, pen cancelled with facial scuff) and 10k on both wove and laid (cat $400 & $1,400 respectively), 1858, 5k large pearls with pen and town cancels (cat $1,550), nice roulette issues including 1866-67 basic issues complete (cat $1,845) including an additional 5p strip of 3, 1875-82, 1885 & 1889-90 issues present, Russia type including 3½r (cat $475), Iceland with good representation including unused #1 (flaws), strong completion in later numerals, 1897 prir surcharge (Sc. 33, cat $900, signed), officials including O2 (cat $750), used Norway with complete basic issues including three #1 singles, used Sweden with highlights including #1 (cat $3,800), #3 (cat $1.200) and #4b lemon yellow shade (cat $2,000, with cert.), basic completion thereon missing only the City Stockholm issues, with additional pages for cancels and shades, etc.; a nice collection with condition above the norm overall. Estimate $7,500 - 10,000.

Serbia, Revenue Exhibition Collection, 1881-1919, displayed on 80 Exhibition pages & extensively written up. Starts with fiscal use of postage stamps (10) from interim 85 day period before revenue stamps issued, then the 1881 issue to 10D inc double perf & imperf between varieties, different perfs & on document, inc 13 on single document (4 different values) & on 1883 Birth Certificate, then study of the monogram overprints inc different colors (red, black or blue), upright, inverted or sideways overprints, on different issues inc tete-beche overprint Priester, overprint on pre-printed Bills of Exchange, different printings of the basic stamps on document or piece inc 1884 Political poster/flyer, Teacher's Certificate, then 1897 without monogram issues includes on full/part documents inc 1900 King's Decree nominating somebody for high office, a range of cut-outs from stamped papers, then the 1905 issue inc mixed franking documents of Austria & Serbia, various receipts, invoices, certificates etc inc some nice ornate printings inc 1907 Bank Share Certificate, Serbia railways receipts for transport of beer & coal, 1911 Passport etc, 1913 issue to 100D inc 10D & 20D pr on documents, 1919 issue to 100D inc block of 12 100D with "Cancelled" perfin, 5 different values to 100D on Trademark Registration document for "Ridgeways 5 O'clock Tea", others on receipts etc, on 1919 newspaper. The "Debit Note" types inc 1890 comp, plus cut-outs, Excise Tax range, Inheritance Tax overprints (3) to 500D great rarity, Beer Duty (2), Tobacco Tax (3) large multi-color 1885 types & 1884-91 bands (3), Snuff Tax (2 large & 1 small), Playing Card Tax (3). Then Austrian Occup overprints on Austria types (21) to 20K top value, plus 2 on documents. Mostly F-VF. Unique opportunity to purchase such an extensively researched collection containing huge number of rarities. (575 inc many on piece, another 72 on 39 documents or part documents). Estimate $10,000 - 15,000.
Spain, Collection, 1850-1900, mostly used on album pages; string with 1850 first issues including 5r & 6r values used (6r with EXFIMA cert., cat $800), 1851 issues with top values present used, 1852 & 1853 issues missing only the 2r values with additional 1852 5r pair (with EXFIMA cert.), 1853 1c bronze used, 1854 Arms white paper issues near complete, good completion in later Isabella issues including 1860-61 19c used (cat $1,200), 1866 19c used (cat $525), section of additional classic issues with multiples and cancels including Canary Island types, later issues starting in 1870 (no 1868-69 issues) with 1870 19c used, 1873 issues including 4p unused (cat $800), 1879 issues with 4p high value unused (cat $750), few Carlist issues and complete sheets of 1862 4c and 1856 4c (sheets cat $1,590); condition well above the norm throughout. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $4,250