Colombia and States, Collection, 1859-1921, parallel mint and used collection neatly arranged in stockbook, assembled over 35 years and contains approximately 2,860 stamps, arranged as per S.G. catalog (part 20) and allows for all perforation and watermark varieties including Officials and other back-of-the-book issues, with Scott equivalent numbers marked on dividing sheets; commencing with the early classics and a nice showing of genuine New Granada issues, thereafter a good degree of specialized completion through to 1921, condition varies with the collection assembled with a view to completeness, the only really major missing item would be the 1919 first issue airmail (Scott C1); accompanied with S.G. catalog cuts throughout and a detailed Scott valuation totaling to $23,627 not taking into account much of the specialized perf & watermark varieties not listed by Scott, broken down as follows: Antioquia 649 stamps at $2,735, Bolivar 234 at $1,087, Boyaca and Cauca 40 at $81.25, Cundinamarca and Rio Hacha 70 at $258, Panama (to 1894) 94 at $390, Santander 81 at $58, Tomila 165 at $286 and the Republic of Columbia 1,529 stamps at $18,731; a truly wonderful extensively assembled collection with much material emanating from Moorhouse auctions. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $4,750
Colombia, Airmail Covers, 1920-30's, of approximately 75 items; includes a section of better usages including 1p80c Scadata issues on large parcel piece, 30c bisect usage, couple "EU" overprint usages (one a very scarce "T" due usage), official free frank usage, black on green "Apartado Aereo/Bogota Columbia" numbered label, 1923 mint airmail postal card, other with a nice showing of frankings, cancels and destinations; worth review. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $600
Costa Rica, Collection, 1863-1934, parallel mint and used collection on stockbook pages assembled over many years and containing some 683 stamps with a Scott catalog value of $4,400, arranged as per SG catalogue part 20 and allows for all perforation and watermark varieties including Officials, Airs, and Dues, Scott equivalent numbers are marked on dividing sheets; commences with a nice showing of the 1861 and 1881 issues with copies of Scott#14 and 15 ex Moorhouse, thereafter a mint and used run-through to 1934 allowing for all varieties, in places there are a few "multiple bars cancellations" and some inexpensive stamps with toning, these latter have been turned face down and neither are included in the valuation; should be viewed to really appreciate the thoroughness of the assembly, an opportunity not to be missed with much of the high denomination material ex Moorhouse auctions. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,250
Denmark, Covers and Postal Stationery, group of hundreds including Denmark forces in Cyprus, Gaza & Congo, FDC's, paquebot, number of aerograms noted. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $350
Dominican Republic, Collection, 1900-1994, mint neatly displayed in hingeless mounts in Minkus album, fairly well filled especially 1930's-50's, including airmails, etc; some good sets including 1936 Library issue and other higher catalog value issues; please inspect, o.g., hinged or never hinged. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $180
Egypt, Stock, mostly mint identified and arranged on dealer stock cards, general range of issues with some later sets and multiples, back-of-the-book; owner's cat. $1,530+, please inspect. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $140
Europe, Accumulation, singles, sets and souvenir sheets in binders, albums, etc.; mostly Switzerland & Liechtenstein material, issues classic to modern including back-of-the-book; worth a look. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $400
Europe, Covers, group of 33 items; includes Italian Area & Vatican with mint postal stationery, 1936 Addis Ababa airmail cover, Hungary airmail covers, Switzerland with booklet and tete-beche usages, better airmail card, etc. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $260
Europe, Assortment, good to better 21+ mint singles and sets on stockpage; including France 20fr Point du Gard type 1 (253, cat $275) and #B23, Vatican #41-46, Italy #C27 (cat $450), good Liechtenstein and Luxembourg Europa issues; cat $2,700+, inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $425
Europe, Europa Stock, 1956-2000, 100's of fresh mint n.h. complete sets and souvenir sheets neatly arranged on stockpage in album; mostly modest (2 to 3 sets) quantities, comprehensive showing with early issues including Belgium and Germany (includes owner list), most of value in later issue; owner's 2014 approximately cat $3,500. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $425