Belgium, Collection, 19th and 20th Century mint and used on quad pages in a Stanley Gibbons springback album and another binder with better items on auction and dealer pages, includes Scott 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-8, 9, 17, 25, 172-84, 6a, 8a, B10, B14, B23-24, B28-30, B93-98, B169, B178, B179, B199, B208, B250-55, B514, B605a, B662, various covers etc.; owner's 2015 Scott catalog value approximately $7,700, worth careful inspection. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Bolivia, Collection, 1867-1923, parallel mint and used collection arranged on stockbook pages assembled over many years and containing some 357 stamps with a Scott catalog value of $2,865, arranged as per SG catalogue part 20 and allowing for all perforation and watermark varieties, including Officials and Airs, Newspaper and Dues (also Fiscals used for postage but not listed in Scott), Scott equivalent numbers are marked on dividing sheets; commences with the early condors and progressing through the 9 and 11 stars issues. (The 500c black of both issues, Scott# 14 and 19, are removed and lotted separately in this auction), nice genuine set of the 1899 "ET" issue ex Moorhouse, thereafter the collection runs through to 1923; an opportunity not to be missed with much of the material ex Moorhouse auctions. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $525
Brazil, Collection, 1844-1976, mint collection housed in Scott album; starting with a few 1844 issues, 1850 issue lacking the 180r value, 1854-61 issues complete with a few following perf'd numerals, 1866 Dom Pedro issue complete with additional shade varieties, following roulettes complete, 1880's issues near complete with the better issues present, 1890 Southern Cross missing one lesser value, completion in following Liberty & Hermes heads, good showing of later issues, back-of-the-book with a good showing of airmails including Zepps, dues, officials, complete newspapers, etc. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $4,250
Bulgaria, Stock, mostly mint identified and arranged on dealer stock cards, general range of issues with mostly used early issues (unused #10, cat $900, perf pull and thin) and later mint, back-of-the-book; condition varies, owner's Scott cat $2,150+, please inspect. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $110
Cambodia, Laos & Viet Nam, & Indo-China Accumulation, housed in binder; mix of issues throughout with good singles and sets throughout; worth a look. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $110

Chile, Collection, 1854-1930, parallel mint and used collection on stockbook pages assembled over 30 years and containing some 464 stamps with a Scott catalog value of $5,860, arranged as per SG catalogue part 20 and allowing for all perforation and watermark varieties including Officials and Airs and Dues (Scott equivalent numbers are marked on dividing sheets); commences with a splendid and highly complete showing of the Columbus issues (1853-1865) with both London and Santiago printings and including Gillet and Desmadryl items of 1854 (All of these specialized printing items are ex Moorhouse), thereafter the collection runs through to 1930 with complete mint and used sets of the 1910 Independence issue and the engraved 1911 issue also, 1928-29 air overprint set is also ex Moorhouse as are many of the higher values throughout; should be viewed to really appreciate the thoroughness of the assembly. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,600
China, Collection, 19th and 20th century mint and used in a binder, interesting assortment of Empire including misc. Dragons, Junks, Commemoratives, Regular Issues, general Taiwan, Occupation, locals, varieties, PRC and Provinces, some highlights include Scott #30, 1L136-39 ($190), 1L153 ($375), both original, and more, fascinating collection formed years ago before China gained popularity, condition varies, careful inspection recommended. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,000
China, Mint Group, quality mint assortment including 1905-10 Recoiling Dragons color change printings, 1941 SYS New York & Paicheng prints Scott #449-64, 506-24, 513a, 518 var, 521 var, 1939-40 Chung Hwa printing Die III SYS (Series 3) 2¢ to $20 block of four unused with large part to much original gum, 1946-47 Dr SYS 1st & 2nd Peiping print "Limited for use in North-East" issues Scott #12-25, 47-52, 61-3, 5¢ to $1000 complete set of 27 (two sets). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $400
China, Stock, mostly mint identified and arranged on dealer stock cards, general range of issues mostly P.R.C., some back-of-the-book; owner's cat. $1,250+, please inspect. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $300
China (People's Republic), Postal Stationery, 1980-2010, accumulation of several thousand items of modern, includes many view card sets in original folders, much thematic value; inspect. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $650