United States Collection, 1845-1930, on Mystic album pages; starting with a couple Provisional issues, 1851 issues including 10 1¢ issues many from the top of Plate 1 including marginal singles, other denomination represented including #12, 1857 issues with unused #18, 5¢ types and higher denominations to the 30¢, good showing of 1861-66 issues, useful grills, 1869 Pictorials missing only 30¢, good completion on Banknotes lacking grills, mint Columbians including $1, Trans-Miss mint to the 50¢, Pan-Am's mint, 1902 definitives to the 50¢ mint and used $1-2, Washington-Franklins including good coil singles, completion in later including White Plains sheet, Kans-Nebr., sets mint; condition varies, worth evaluation. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $5,250
Lot 2666 o
United States Collection, 1845-1930's, mostly used on Marini album pages; starting with #9X1 and a nice 4-margin #1 tied on piece, 1851 basic denominations including 4-margin #12, 1857 issues including #25 x2 mint (one n.g.), couple 5¢ issues and high denominations to the 90¢, 1861 issues with duplication and includes 5¢ buff and 90¢ used, grill issues, good showing of 1869 Pictorials including 90¢ value, Banknotes with mid-denomination grills and later completion, Columbians including $4 used, small bureaus with high values, Trans-Miss with $2, regular 1902 definitives complete used, useful later commemoratives and definitives, Kans-Nebr sets mint, airs with mint #C13-C15 set, other back-of-the-book issues including Officials, some C.S.A, issues; condition varied, worth review.Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $3,750
United States Collection, 1845-1992, housed in 2 Scott albums; starting with two #1's (one appears unused), selection of 1851 issues with 1¢, 3¢ & 10¢ types, similar 1857's including #29, basis 1861-66 issues present with additional used, E. & F. grills used, 1869 Pictorials complete to the 30¢ including duplicate 15¢ issues, good completion in Banknote with some later mint, Columbian mint to the 50¢ and a $2 used, mixed */o bureaus to the dollar values, Trans-Miss complete mint to the 50¢ and a used $1, Pan-Am's complete mint with additional 1¢-2¢ plate blocks, early 20th century commemoratives with mint, useful Washington-Franklin issues with good coils issues including a used #449, with some useful later mint issues, mostly mint from 1922 on including good coil waste, Kans-Nebr set mint and later completion with some good face in modern, back-of-the-book including mint airs minus C13-C15, deliveries complete mixed */o, good showing of dues, Officials with some runs including Executive 3¢-10¢ used, parcel posts, etc.; condition varies with much material throughout. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,500
Lot 2668 o
United States Classic Issues Balance, 1845-98, of 19 used stamps, mostly better issues; includes Scott #1, 7, 12, 17, 32-33 (32 with cert.), 38, 73, 77-78, 87-88, 93-95, 100, 120, 291 & 293; mixed condition yet many sound, total Scott cat $7,098.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,600
Lot 2669 o
United States Classics Group, 1847-69, selection of used issues on pages; starting with 4 #1's including one with rare straight line "Ship" cancel, 1851 issues with a few1¢ issues, #12 x2, 10¢ types including type I on piece tied by scarce N.Y. ocean mail cancel, 1857 issues with 10¢ types including type IV recut at bottom, later issues include 5¢ buff with red cancel, 24¢ shades, better 1869 Pictorials, also a C.S.A. "TEN" manuscript canceled; condition varied with many better items.Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,200
United States Collection, 1850-1990, housed in Scott album; various useful to better issues starting with 1857 values represented to the 12¢, good showing of 1861-67 issues, E. & F. grills represented with some good mid-values, Pictorials to the 15¢, Banknotes with good representation including many high value present, Columbians to 50¢ used, Bureau including a few dollar values used, similar to 20th century, Washington-Franklin issues with good mint coil singles and pairs, lower value bluish papers mint, #505 n.h. in block of 9, good run of later issues including Kans-Nebr complete mixed */o, etc.; some back-of-the-book issues with airmails, deliveries, postage due with some better in early issues, complete Offices in China issues mint, Parcel Post, Ducks, etc; condition varies, worth review. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $2,900
United States Stock, collector's stock of mostly used issues arranged in over a dozen stock in dealer pages; starting with mixed condition classics to late 19th commemoratives including some Columbian proofs and higher value used in surrounding issues, useful early 20th century commemoratives mint and Washington-Franklin issues worth checking, later material mostly to the 1950's including Prexie plate blocks up to the $1 value, good showing of back-of-the-book issues with mint first issue airs, deliveries, dues, some Possessions, etc.; condition varies, please inspect for full evaluation. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $750
United States Collection, useful selection of mostly used on album pages; mixed classics with 1850 issues to the 12¢ with duplication, 1861 issue to the 30¢, grills including mint o.g. #94, Pictorial up to the 30¢, Banknotes with high values present, later commemoratives and some back-of-the-book, also mint sheet file with White Plain sheets and some 3¢-5¢ sheets; condition is mixed, inspect. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $650
United States Stock, 1851-1940's, arranged on stock pages in binder, with mostly modest to moderate duplication of issues; starting with used issues including 1851 issues with #5 with green cancel, 1857 issues to the 30¢, 5¢ types with brick red, 1861-68 issues including 5¢ issues with buff shades, high values including grills, 1869 Pictorials to the 30¢, Banknotes with mid to high denominations present, Columbians including $1-$4 values, dollar value Trans-Miss, mint with a selection of classic issues, later Banknotes, small banknotes including 90¢, Columbians in duplication to the 30¢, and 50¢ & $1 values, Trans-Miss to the 50¢, later early commemoratives, small bureaus with duplication to the 50¢ with */o $1 issues, 1902 definitives with duplication to the 15¢, and 50¢ & $1 values, a mix of later issues, mint back-of-the-book including useful airs, special delivery with some good early issues, Dues with early issues, nice mint Newspapers worth checking, Officials including Specimens, C.S.A., some good proofs, etc.; condition varies with lots of fresh mint material, worth careful evaluation. Estimate $10,000 - 15,000.
Realized: $9,000
United States Definitive Collection, 1851-98, mostly mint collection in a Safe hingeless album, features a quality assortment of singles throughout, includes various 1851-66 issues, 1869's to 30¢, Banknotes and Bureau Issues all mint, some n.h.; condition well above the norm, worth careful inspection. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,500