1788-1900s Charleston, S.C. Postal History Collection, two carton collection with mounted albums and loose ranging from stampless into the 20th century, some fancy cancels, auxiliary markings, etc., machine cancels, 1902 S.C., I.S. and W.I. Expo post cards, some advertising and ephemera related, telegrams, lettersheets, pictures, picture post cards, better includes 1788 London "Post Paid" to Charleston, 1799 "Charl S.C. Oct 11" federal cds use to Philadelphia, 1807 "Charln S Ca. Apr.7" and "Dec 8" second Federal style cds, blue "Charleston S.C. '1' " circular rating handstamp, #10A on Aug. 1st cover, "Charleston '10 Havana' May 25" blue cds on cover to Wilmington Del. and another with a poor strike, red Charleston "Ship 12", 1859 Havana to New York with "Steamship 10" circular due rating, 1849 incoming Cuba cover with bold red "Charleston S.C. '12½' Dec 25" integral rating cds and another with a different size strike, 1834 red "ONE CENT" straightline drop rating handstamp use, additional "One Cent" usages including 1849 forwarded cover, 1850 drop letter with large red "2" rating handstamp, 1838 Express Mail "75" cent use to New York, two "Charleston S.C. '1 Cent' " cds usages, #86 on cover but torn, 1870s-1890s usages in mixed condition, etc. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $3,750
1800s-1900s U.S. Postal History Balance, group of over 70 covers from stampless to early 1900s, includes some fancy stampless markings like "Lewiston N.Y." dotted oval postmark, few patriotics, New Orleans and Fall River "Steam", cross border mail, 1847 "Philada Railroad" straightline with circled "5" rating updated with two strikes of circled "10", 1833 steamboat, San Francisco "40" rating, Boston "Ship 4" with two 2¢ postage due stamps, Boston American Letter Mail stampless use. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $900
1850s-1900s St. Louis Postal History, small lot of 40 covers, few fancy cancels, 1904 expo prepublicity covers and some multicolor post cards, machine cancels, etc., F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $210

1851-57 3¢ Postal History, group of 33 covers including better of #10 tied by "Way 5" handstamp on blue Aug. 28th 1851 folded letter to Baltimore Md., #11A tied by bold "Steam" straightline handstamp on buff cover to Petersburg Ill., #11A cancelled by blue circular grid on lady's cover with matching "Campello Mass" oval postmark (ex-Chase), #11A sheet margin single tied by multi-ring cancel on cover from East Brookfield Mass., #26 tied by fancy circular grid cancel with letter "J" within from Bergen N.Y., #26 on orange buff cover with green Massasoit House, M. & E. S. Chapin, Springfield Mass. cameo corner card, various ratemarker cancels including "2" and "5" and some auxiliary markings like Boston "Due / 5cts" and Lowell Mass. "ADV .1" straightline; some faults, F.-V.F. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,150
1851-57 Issue Cover Group, 4 items on homemade quad pages including pair on 1856 cover to Texas, and pair on 1854 to San Francisco, single on 1853 cover to New York with Kennebeck & Portland Railroad cancel, 1856 cover to Cleveland. Estimate $100 - 150.
1851-57 3¢ Issue, Cover Collection, two binders filled with more than 210 covers, imperforates including at least 20 Orange Browns, nice range of material incl. Valentines, a few Patriotics, combination with 1c on 6c Green Nesbitt entire for 10c rate, corner cards incl. blue cameo National Express with train, forwarded use, "Steam", Railroad, use from Diamond Springs Cal. with 1c on entire, use with Swarts' City Dispatch Post (136L9), three perforated Ty. I (25) on single cover used within Wisconsin (reduced), couple green cancels, many others, mixed condition but many useful covers, a nice collection worth review. Scott No. 10-11A, 25-26 Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $2,500

1857-1890s, U.S. Cover Balance including Fancy Cancels, group of 32 covers with better including #24 tied by blue "Balto. Paid" double-circle cancel on cover to Charleston Va., #64b well centered and tied by attractive blue Baltimore Md. cds to South Hadley Mass., #63, 73 tied by donut killers on cover from Futton Oh., #98, 147 on registered cover from Exeter Me., 1868 Grant Colfax presidential campaign envelope with "Official Business" notation from postmaster free, 1894 Naperville Ill. fancy devil's mask cancel (Cole JO-86) ties 1¢ Columbian on circular rate cover, J18 with N.Y. circle of pearls precancel on 1887 cover from Germany, J22 pair used on 1894 Great Britain ½d postal card to New York, several entires including U59 with shield fancy cancel (Skinner-Eno PS-ST 12) from Dayton Oh. and 3¢ War UO53 entire with Monument Beach Mass. fancy county postmark and star cancel, and Hawaii UX2 used to Germany; some small faults but overall a clean group, F.-V.F. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $700

1861-68 3¢ Issue Postal History, group of 42 covers including fancy cancels, better includes Kingston Pa. geometric killer, Philadelphia negative trowel masonic geometric, unlisted East Pike N.Y. leaf, blue Montpelier Vt. circular Floral cancel (ex-Beane), Austinburg O. four-petal leaf, Athens Ga. and Augusta Ga. "US" in circle killers, "Worcester & Nashua R.R." cds, Camden N.J. Christian cross cancel, Zanesville O. shield, F.-V.F. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $450

1869 Issue Postal History, group of 19 covers including fancy cancels mostly on the 3¢ value, nicer includes blue Philadelphia negative four-petal rosette, Palmyra N.Y. heart fancy cancel, Troy N.H. circled "3", Chillicothe O. negative five-point star, Washington D.C. negative star, blue Cleveland to Canada, some geometrics, couple strikes in red, etc., F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200
1869 Pictorial Issue Covers, mounted collection of 26 covers comprising 1¢ + 2¢ Leavenworth City, Kans, to Mendocino, Calif.; 2¢ (four single frankings and two double - one domestic, the other NYFM at 4¢ British open mail rate to France) and 3¢ (17 single frankings and one on a 3¢ entire); some fancy cancels and small towns plus several merchant's corner cards, generally clean and F.-V.F. Estimate $750 - 1,000.