Mexico, 1872, 12c blue, Puebla, horizontal pair, cons 34-72, "papel sellado" watermark, canceled by Chietla oval handstamp (Schatzkes 1190) on 1872 folded letter to Puebla, Very Fine, very few stamps exist from this tiny town, singles catalog $250 off-cover. Scott No. 82 Estimate $200 - 300.

Mexico, 1872, 6c green, Guadalajara, horizontal strip of four, cons 16-73, ample to large margins, canceled by two strikes of the scarce San Blas oval handstamps (Schatzkes 424) on fresh 1873 folded letter sheet to Tepic, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. 93 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $170

Mexico, 1872, 6c green, San Luis Potosi, block of four, cons 37-72, tied by two strikes of San Luis Potosi circular handstamps (Schatzkes 1460) on 1872 folded letter to Mezquite; light file fold affecting right pair, otherwise Very Fine, a scarce block of 4 usage. Scott No. 93 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160

Mexico, 1872, 6c green, Veracruz, cons 50-73, mostly large margins, tied by Tuxtepec straight line postmark (Schatzkes 1815) on 1872 printed circular to Tlacotalpam, Very Fine and choice, very few are known with this rate. Scott No. 93 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $425

Lot 2318 o
Mexico, 1872, 12c blue, Guadalupe Hidalgo, unwatermarked, cons 17-72, without district name, Guadalupe Hidalgo oval cancel (Schatzkes 467), ample to large margins, Extremely Fine; with 2000 MEPSI certificate. Follansbee No. 88 $600.Scott No. 94 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $400

Mexico, 1872, 12c blue, Isla del Carmen, cons 5-73, in combination with 1872, 25c red on 1873 folded letter sheet to Veracruz, canceled by boxed Laguna date stamp (Schatzkes unlisted); internal cover tear, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 94+95 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $270

Mexico, 1872, 12c blue, Veracruz, without district overprint, cons 50-72, tied by circular Veracruz handstamp (Schatzkes 1755) on 1872 transatlantic cover to Genoa, Italy, New York transit date stamp and Italy 5c+30c+50c Postage Due issues affixed and canceled by Genoa cds's, Very Fine. Scott No. 94 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $750

Mexico, 1872, 12c blue, Veracruz, horizontal pair, cons 50-73, tied by boxed Tesechoacan handstamp (Schatzkes 1801) on 1873 folded letter sheet to Veracruz, Very Fine, cancel rarely seen from this tiny town. Scott No. 94 Estimate $200 - 300.

Lot 2322 o
Mexico, 1872, 12c blue, vertically laid paper, Mexico, unwatermarked, cons 1-72, light cancel, ample to large margins, Very Fine; with 1978 MEPSI certificate.Scott No. 94b Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $50

2323 o
Mexico, 1872, Hidalgo imperf, 25c red, cons 5-72, block of 6, circular date stamp cancels (Schatzkes 77), margins large to just in, strong color, light crease and a few small thins, F.-V.F. appearance, Follansbee cat for block of 4 at $350; with 1997 MEPSI certificate. Scott No. 95 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $280