Lot 2292 E
Mexico, 1866-67 Maximilian Delapiere essay, in black on glazed card, bright and fresh, Very Fine and choice.Estimate $300 - 400.

Lot 2293 E
Mexico, 1866-67 Maximilian oval frame essay, 11 side face litho essays from the C of C Dormer exhibit; ½ real (orange, strawberry, red, green and blue) and 1 real (orange, strawberry, red, yellow, green and blue), wide margins, couple with small thins, otherwise Very Fine.Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $250

Lot 2294 E
Mexico, 1866-67, ½r-25c Maximilian oval frame essays, 8 full face litho essays; ½ real (green, blue, dark red, strawberry and yellow) and 1 real (orange, strawberry and red), large margins, corner mounting thins, otherwise Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $220

Lot 2295 E
Mexico, 1866-67, ½r-25c Maximilian essays, 4 Italian litho essays on bond paper; ½ real (correos-brownish rose), 2 reales (correos- olive green and red), and 25c (postes-bluish green), large margins; ½r with small thin, otherwise Very Fine.Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

Mexico, 1866, 13c blue, Apam, cons 34-1866, on combination with 1866, 25c orange (cons 78-1866) on 1866 folded letter to Mexico City, tied by negative Apam circular handstamp (Schatzkes 24), Very Fine; with 1998 MEPSI certificate. Scott No. 27+29 Estimate $400 - 600.

Lot 2297 o
Mexico, 1866, 13c blue, Mexico, district name only, horizontal pair, circular cancel, clear to large margins, Very Fine and attractive, very difficult used an in a multiple, Follansbee catalog $300.Scott No. 27 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180

Mexico, 1866, 13c blue, Soyaniquilpan, district overprint applied after stamp placed on cover (tying stamp), cons 14-1866, additionally tied by straight line Soyaniquilpan handstamp with date stamp at lower left (Schatzkes 1546), on 1866 folded letter to Mexico, Very Fine; with 1997 MEPSI certificate. Scott No. 27 Estimate $600 - 800.

Mexico, 1866, 25c buff & orange, three stamps; includes used buff issue Puebla-Chiautla 82-1866, orange issue Chalco-Tlayacalpa 23-1866 sub 4, and unused is cons 15-1866 (Tepeji del Rio), used with thins, Very Fine appearance. Scott No. 28-29 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $425

2300 (
Mexico, 1866, 25c buff, Guadalajara, no district name, cons 41-1866, sub 25, tied by Ahualulco straight line handstamp (Schatzkes 311) on cover front to Guadalajara on front, F.-V.F., rare and possibly unique; signed Aguirre. Scott No. 28 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $575

Mexico, 1866, Emperor Maximilian (litho), 25c buff, cons 82-1866, tied by fancy oval Tepeji de la Seda handstamp (Schatzkes 1240) on cover to Puebla; contemporary notations affecting front and stamp, F.-V.F. Scott No. 28 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $725