Lot 2142 o
Baden, 1853, 1kr black, 2 singles, tied on piece by numeral "10" target cancel, margins huge to touching, Very Fine. Michel No. 5.Scott No. 6 $95.

Lot 2143 o
Baden, 1853, 1kr black, horizontal pair and single, tied on piece by numeral "159" target cancels, clear to large margins, Very Fine. Michel No. 5.Scott No. 6 $158.

Baden, 1853, 1kr black, horizontal strip of 3, tied on piece by numeral "2" in serrated circle cancels, margins large to in at left, F.-V.F. Michel No. 5. Scott No. 6 $175.
Realized: $140

Baden, 1858, 3kr black on blue, horizontal pair, on piece with numeral "43" target cancel, margins large to touching, F.-V.F. Michel No. 8. Scott No. 8 $145.
Realized: $70

Lot 2146 o
Baden, 1858, 3kr black on blue, horizontal pair, numeral "16" target cancel, clear to large margins, Very Fine. Michel No. 8.Scott No. 8 $150.
Realized: $70

Bavaria, 1849, 1kr black, plate I, o.g., lightly hinged, ample to large margins, strong color and impression, Very Fine; signed Miro. Michel No. 1 Ia. Scott No. 1 $2,250.

Bavaria, 1849, 1kr black, plate I, large margins showing dividing lines, tied by numeral "210" cog cancel on 1851 printed circular (no address panel), matching "Munichberg 18/5" postmark, Very Fine, a rare printed matter single franking usage. Michel No. 1 Ia. Scott No. 1 $7,250.
Realized: $5,500

Bavaria, 1874, 1m violet, imperf, o.g., small hinge remnant, clear to large margins, strong bold color, Very Fine; signed Schmitt. Scott No. 31 $675. Michel No. 30a €800 ($860).

Lot 2150 o
Bavaria, Postage Due, 1870, 1kr black, neat Munich town cancel, deep color, Very Fine and scarce, signed Richter. Scott No. J2 $800.Michel No. 2X €1,000 ($1,070).

Lot 2151 o
Hamburg, 1864, 9sch yellow, four bar cancel, rich bright color, F.-V.F., a rare used high value. Michel No. 18 €2,600 ($2,790).Scott No. 21 $2,000.