Confederacy, (Naval) Navy Yard, Columbus, Ga., "Ringgold Geo. Feb 14" perfect bold strike of Valentine's day cds with matching "Paid 10" straightline rating handstamp on orange buff cover addressed to James Mc. Baker C.S.N., care of Capt. Catesby airmail R. Jones C.S.N. at Columbus Navy Yard, Georgia; opening fault at top right affects rating, F.-V.F. Estimate $500 - 750.
Commander Catesby ap R. Jones became famous when he relieved the wounded Admiral Franklin Buchanan and became acting Cammanding Officer of the CSS "Virginia" ("Merrimac") during its engagement with the USS "Monitor" at Hampton Roads Va. Lt. Baker was later assigned.
Realized: $375

Confederacy, (Naval) Palmetto State, 1863, 10¢ blue, four huge margins, tied by "Columbia S.C. Aug 28" cds on cover addressed to AT. Smythe Esq, Signal Officer Palmetto State at Charleston S.C., accompanied by second cover to same officer addressee bearing creased #12, F.-V.F., a scarce pair of covers to a Naval Officer. Scott No. 12 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
When the "Palmetto State" was first put into service, a Charleston young man, Corporal Augustine T. Smythe, who was serving as one of Gen. Beauregard's spotters and signalmen, was transferred to the Confederate Navy ship as its signalmen.
Realized: $950

Confederacy, (Naval) C.S. Steamer Savannah, "Athens, Ga., Nov. 8 "/63" manuscript postmark on blue cover with 1863, 10¢ blue (12), four margins, cancelled by two manuscript strokes and addressed to Capt. J.P. Jones, C.S. Steamer Savannah at Savannah Ga., Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Lieut. J. Pembroke Jones was a native Virginian and a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy in the class of 1847. He was, in fact, the 52nd person to graduate from the U.S. Naval Academy and resigned his Lt. U.S. Navy commission to join the Confederate Navy when the Civil War started. Jones was addressed as "Capt." on this cover because he was the Commanding Officer of the CSS "Savannah".
Realized: $2,200

Confederacy, (Naval) Lt. John Grimball, Confederate States Navy Postal Archive, group of approx. a couple hundred covers from the 1850s through the 1900s including some later family mail, most of the early covers have the stamps plundered, does include some intact stampless like 1860 (May 16) Charleston S.C. prepaid to U.S.S. Macedonian at Spezzia, Italy, "Confederate States of America, Navy Department" semi-official imprint cover with "Montgomery Ala. Apr 22 1861" cds, faulty, photocopy of original letter from the Sec. of the Navy accompanies, faulty Jun. 22 and Sep. 1861 Charleston "Paid 5" uses to Grimball on the CSS Lady Davis as the S.C. Navy was integrated into the CSN, 1862 (Aug.) Spartanburg "Paid 10" use to Grimball at Vicksburg, forwarded to Mobile where "ADV. 2" straightline applied, Grimball had recently reported to the CSS Baltic, two Spartanburg or Charleston 1862-63 covers to Grimball on CSS Baltic franked with #2 (faulty), two with #6 pair (very faulty) and one with #7 pair, 1864 Jun. 16th and Jul. 31st from S.C. privately carried to Grimball in England, photocopies of letters only; and two 1864 covers with stamps removed to Grimball in France; plenty of postwar covers including mutilated usages to Mexico when Grimball was hiding out after the War, etc.; mixed condition, an interesting research group. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,050