1677 E
(1c + 1c) Black on Card, Franklin W. Brooks, New York, Paid Reply Card Essay, style without stamps, in white, card backed with white card glued above and below rows of perforations, arced "U.S. Return Postal Card." in vertical orientation at left; some staining at top, Fine, unlisted in UPSS catalog. Scott No. UY1E-GA var. Estimate $200 - 300.

Paid Reply Postal Card, 1893, 2¢+2¢ blue on grayish white, unsevered card to Celebes Islands, Indonesia in care of the U.S. consular agent, cancelled by "Cincinnati, O. Aug 12 '97" machine cancel, three Indonesian transits including "Makassar, 29 9 1897" arrival, minor separating, F.-V.F. and scarce destination. Scott No. UY2 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $50
Paid Reply Postal Card, 1918, 2¢+2¢ red on buff, unsevered, mint, unfolded complete card, Extremely Fine. Scott No. UY8 (no photo). UPSS No. MR15 $135.

Official Postal Card, 1913, 1¢ black, cancelled by "Spencerville Ohio Aug 1" duplex with preprinted address, Very Fine. Scott No. UZ1 $550.
Realized: $220