1348 (
New York, N.Y., registry label with "94748" number on 1887 tan cover front only from Mexico City, Mexico to Nice, France bearing Mexico 10c brown lilac, blue lines on face (205) and 10c brown lilac, blue lines on reverse (205), both tied by blue "Puebla, Despachado, Dic 19, 1887" oval date stamps, fancy red "R" in oval handstamps in corners, Mexico City (12.20) transit postmark and registry label affixed, Very Fine, an unusual combination, ex-Schimmer. Scott No. FX-NY1a(i)(i) Estimate $300 - 400.

New York, N.Y., registry label with "66532" number on 1888 registered Brazil 200r entire to Halifax, Canada bearing 200r pale red brown (84) tied by "Campinas, Registrado, 9 Mar 88" cds, Brazil registry handstamp adjacent, various backstamps including Rio de Janeiro (3.11), New York (4.11), St. John (4.14) and Halifax (4.14) datestamps; reduced slightly at left, Very Fine. Scott No. FX-NY1a(i)(i) Estimate $200 - 300.

New York, N.Y., registry label with "51938" number on 1889 registered 2¢ entire with multicolor Anheuser-Busch advertising from St. Louis Mo. to Germany bearing 4¢ carmine (215) pair and 10¢ brown (209), all tied by purple fancy geometric cancels along with "Registered" straightline and "Sta. D., Saint Louis, Mo., Aug 2 1889" cds; reverse with New York (8.5) transit and Frankfurt (8.15) arrival cds; pair and single with nat. s.e., Very Fine and choice, ex-Gabriel. Scott No. FX-NY1a(i)(i) Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,050

New York, N.Y., registry label with "30521" number on 1889 legal size registered cover from Philadelphia to Great Britain with Treasury Dept. Official Business imprint of "Custom-House Collector's Office" bearing 30¢ orange brown (217) tied by "Philadelphia RD" oval and purple "Philadelphia. Pa., Dec 28 1889, Registered" framed three-line postmark, New York (12.30) transit backstamp, red London (1.10) arrival oval; some defects, Fine and scarce use. Scott No. FX-NY1a(i)(i) Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $550

New York, N.Y., registry label with "68870" number on 1905 registered cover from Rhodesia to Canal Zone bearing Rhodesia 3d red brown & gray bl (53), three singles cancelled by "Gwelo, Rhodesia, 13 Oct 1905" cds, red London (11.4) and New York (11.11) backstamps, Ancon (11.19) arrival backstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. FX-NY1a(i)(ii) Estimate $400 - 600.
The addressee, Dr. James C. Perry, was the physcian during the building of the Panama Canal and a famous stamp dealer of the time period.
Realized: $600

New York, N.Y., registry label on blue 1906 registered cover from Boston Mass. to St. Croix, Danish West Indies bearing 5¢ blue (304) and 8¢ black (306), both tied by "Boston/Mass." oval, purple Boston (2.2) four-line registry postmark, reverse with New York (2.3), St. Thomas (2.26) and Christiansted (2.27) datestamps, purple "St. Thomas, Dansk Vestindien / R" framed registry handstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. FX-NY1a(i)(ii) Estimate $200 - 300.