1883, 2¢ red brown, bright color, tied by bold "London.W, Mr 26, 88" origin cds on cover to Plainfield, N.J., reverse with N.Y. "Paid All" transit and receiving postmarks, Very Fine, an unusual accepted usage of U.S. postage used from Great Britain; with 2002 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 210 Estimate $500 - 750.

1883, 2¢ red brown, tied by "Ogden & San Fran. R.P.I. Sep 1" duplex on Mexican 12c green entire to Milwaukee Wis., green Wells Fargo & Co. Mexican printed frank with magenta update below, purple "Wells, Fargo & Co's Express, Mazatlan, Mexo. AGO 23 1887" express oval handstamp, Milwaukee 1887 receiving backstamp; corner mend top right, Fine and scarce express mixed franking. Scott Nos. 210 Estimate $300 - 400.