1870, 2¢ red brown, block of seven with 1¢ ultramarine (145) on reverse plus 3¢ green (147) on front, all tied by cork cancels on orange buff cover to Sherburne Ky., "Decatur Ill. Sep 22" cds, unusual blue "Registered No., Decatur, Ill. Sep 20 1873" oval handstamp at lower left, some edge wear, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 146 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $220

1870, 10¢ brown, vertical pair, tied by two bold strikes of cross-roads cancels on 1873 cover to Milan, Italy, matching sharp "San Francisco Cal Aug 27" double-circle cds, red New York Paid All Sep 1" exchange cds, various Italian backstamps including Milan (9.18) arrival cds. Scott Nos. 150 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190

1870, 15¢ bright orange, used with 6¢ carmine (148), each tied by diamond grid fancy cancels on yellow cover to France, matching "Fiddletown Cal. Oct 2." cds, red "New York Oct 10" exchange cds, blue Cherbourg (10.22.71) entry cds with matching large "10" decimes due rating handstamp, Oct. 23rd arrival backstamp; cover tear in address, edge wear, Fine. Scott Nos. 152 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200

1870, 24¢ purple, vibrant color, used with 10¢ brown (150) horizontal pair with right s.e., all tied by circular cork cancels on cover from the Bissel correspondence to India, red "Boston Paid Oct 1" exchange cds with red crayon "2" for double-weight and "36 / 2" credit rating, endorsed "via Southampton", red London Paid (10.13) transit cds, reverse with Sea Post (10.31) and Ahmednuggur (11.15.73) arrival cds; right 10¢ with small nick, a Very Fine use at double the 22¢ rate; with 2000 P.F. certificate. Scott Nos. 153 Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.

1873, 6¢ dull pink, two singles, one with s.e., used with 2¢ vermilion, 3¢ green, 5¢ blue (178, 158, 179), tied by circular grids on 3¢ entire to Hamburg, Germany, blue "Registered, Mar 12 1877 New York, N.Y. P.O." three-line postmark on front and additional strike on back, Hamburg (3.26) arrival cds and registry label affixed, reverse with fancy purple "M. Kottshofski, Foreign Postage Stamps, New York" framed handstamp; reduced slightly at right, Very Fine, a fantastic four-color franking paying the three-times the 5¢ UPU rate plus 10¢ registry fee. Scott Nos. 159 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300

1873, 6¢ dull pink, wide margins, used with 3¢ green (158), nat. s.e. at left, tied by two strikes of red quartered cork cancel duplexed with "Baltimore MD. Sep 25" cds on 1874 cover to Paris, France, red "New York 'Paid' Sep 26" exchange cds, blue Paris (10.9.74) arrival cds and small red "PD" framed handstamp; 6¢ tiny tear, couple filing holes, otherwise Very Fine and attractive. Scott Nos. 159 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190

1873, 7¢ orange vermilion, horizontal pair with "No. 22" captured plate number at top, tied by two circular grids on light buff cover to Austria, matching "Bay, Mo, May 7" cds at right, red "New York Br. Transit May 12" exchange cds, reverse with Austria (5.25) cds and 1875 docketing on back, F.-V.F. Scott Nos. 160 Estimate $200 - 300.

1873, 10¢ brown, used with 3¢ green (185) pair, all cancelled by matching 5-point star cancels on yellow 1879 registered cover with preprinted address to New York N.Y., indistinct "Scott Bar, Cal" origin cds, large oval "Fraudulent Delivery Prohibited By Order Of The Postmaster General" at left, reverse with New York (5.10) registry backstamp and two large blue Dead Letter Office May 12 1879 triangular datestamps, large blue "B" filing handstamp and magenta "$3" indicating contents, photocopy of original correspondence indicates payment for "prize watch"; small edge tear, otherwise F.-V.F., we have never seen another example of this fradulent auxilliary marking, ex-Knapp. Scott Nos. 161 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $400

1873, 10¢ brown, used with 5¢ blue (179), nat. s.e. at left, both tied by "Ocean Grove N.J. Aug 16" duplex with target cancel on 1878 cover addressed in purple ink to Argentina, red London (8.26) transit, "Buenos Aries, Oct 1 1878" backstamp, clean and Very Fine. Scott Nos. 161 Estimate $300 - 400.

1873, 10¢ brown, tied by large bold cross-roads cancel on cover to Italy, matching "New York Br. Transit Dec 25" transit backstamp and "Insufficiently Paid" straightline handstamp, blue crayon and manuscript ratings, Italy 30c and 60c postage dues tied by Piacenza (1.9.1874) arrival cds, F.-V.F. Scott Nos. 161 Estimate $200 - 300.