1861 (Aug. 7) Boston, Mass. to Geneva, Switzerland, tissue cover franked with 1857, 10¢ Green, Type V two singles + 1¢ blue, type V, tied by two strikes of "Paid" grid cancels and red "Boston 'Paid 18' Aug 7" exchange cds for British packet, on cover to Switzerland, forwarded from Geneva to Interlaken, French (8.19) entry cds and matching large "P.D." framed handstamp, Geneva (8.20) and Berne (8.22) backstamps; small faults, F.-V.F. Scott Nos. 35+24 Estimate $200 - 300.

1861 (Aug. 7) Boston Mass. to Calcutta, India, blue folded cover bearing 5¢ brown, type II (30A) tied by "Paid" in grid cancel for the 5¢ British open mail rate, "Boston Br. Pkt. Aug 7" exchange backstamp, carried by Cunard Line Arabia from Boston Aug. 7th to Queenstown arriving Aug. 17th, red London (8.19) backstamp transit and "1/7" 1s7d debit rating, reverse with Bombay (9.9) and Calcutta (9.21) backstamps, manuscript "13½ A" due rating, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 30A Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $300

1861 (Oct. 3) Valparaiso To Altona, Denmark Via Panama, blue folded unpaid letter with "Valparaiso OC 3, 1861" backstamp and endorsed "via Panama & p. W. I. M. Steamer", red London (11.13) transit cds with "2/4" 2s4d rating for 2sh. from Valparaiso and 4d for British letter to Denmark, Hamburg (11.16) backstamp transit with blue manuscript "27" sgr. debit rating, Danish red crayon "119" sk. due rating; light horizontal file fold, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.

1862 (May 8) San Francisco Cal. to Limoges, France, yellow cover with "San Francisco, Cal., May 8, 1863" cds with year error and bearing 10¢ green (68) pair and single, cancelled by cogwheels pre-paying double the 15¢ French treaty rate, red "New York 'Paid 24' Jun 4" exchange cds, carried by Cunard Line Scotia departing Jun. 4th to Queenstown arriving Jun. 14th, red Calais (6.16.62) entry cds with matching large "P.D." framed handstamp; some faults, Fine, This was carried on the maiden return voyage of the Cunard Line Scotia. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160

1863 (Aug. 3) San Francisco, Cal. to London, England, folded cover bearing 5¢ brown (76), two pairs and two singles, each tied by cogwheel cancel, matching "San Francisco Cal Aug 3 1863" cds, endorsed "Via Panama", red "New York Am. Pkt. '3' Aug 29" exchange cds, carried by Inman Line City of Washington from New York Aug. 29th to Liverpool arriving Sep. 9th, red London Paid (9.11) arrival cds; horizontal crease through bottom stamps, Fine and very attractive, ex-R.V. Carr. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $425

1864 (May 5) Shanghai, China to Boston Mass., blue cover with blue Shanghae (5.5) and Hong Kong (5.10) backstamps, endorsed "Via Marseilles", red "Shanghae 'Paid' MY 5 46" cds (year slugs incorrect) with red crayon "2/-" shilling prepaid rating, red London Paid (6.30) transit and matching red "21 / Cents" credit handstamp, bold "Boston Am. PKt. '24 Paid' Jul 14" exchange arrival cds; file fold and flap tear, F.-V.F., a scarce prepaid use. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $270

1864 (Jun. 20) Quebec, L.C. to Copenhagen, Denmark, cover with red "Paid, Quebec, JU 20 1864" cds with matching "Paid handstamp and red manuscript "1/5" rating, carried by Cunard Line China from Boston Mass. to Queenstown, red "London, Paid, JY 2 '64" transit cds and matching oval "PD" handstamp, red crayon "4½" sgr. credit rating, reverse with Hamburg (7.4) transit oval and Copenhagen (7.5) arrival cds, Danish red crayon "2" sgr.; small edge tear at top, Very Fine, ex-Steinhart; with 2006 Philatelic Expertising Service certificate. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
The cover was rated 1/5 sterling, or approximately 36¢ that represents 8d (17¢) for transport from Canada to G.B. and 9d (19¢) for transport from G.B. via Belgium & GPU to Denmark (eff. Jan. 1st 1863). Hamburg was credited 4½ sgr. (5d) for ½ sgr. Belgium, 2 sgr. GPU and 2sgr. Danish shares.

1864 (Jul. 15) Sandwich Ill. to Callao, Peru, cover to the Captain of the American Ship Berkshire bearing 12¢ black (69) vertical pair, nat. s.e. at left, tied by unusual oval grid cancels, New York "12" cent credit handstamp, British P.O. Panama (8.3.1864) double-arc transit datestamp, Lima (8.18) arrival backstamp; reduced slightly at right, couple pulled perfs, a Very Fine use, ex-Patrick Campbell. Scott Nos. 69 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $450

1865 (May 30) San Francisco Cal. to Whitby, Canada West, yellow cover with sharp "San Francisco, Cal, May 30, 1865" cds and bearing 10¢ green (68) vertical pair cancelled by matching cogwheel fancy cancels, prepaying double the 10¢ rate; reduced slightly at left with tiny tear, otherwise Very Fine and fresh. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180

1865 (Sep 17) Valparaiso, Chile to Victoria, British Columbia via San Francisco, blue folded cover with British P.O. "Valparaiso, SP 17 1865" origin backstamp and red crayon "2/-" shilling prepaid rating, British P.O. Panama (10.5) transit cds, San Francisco (10.24) transit with "20" cent due rating for double the 10¢ steamship rate, Very Fine and choice use. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $1,000