[Post Office] Assistant Postmaster General Free Franks, group of 50 covers including the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Assistants and some clerks, includes 1st Assist.: 1798 Charles Burrall free frank cover, Abraham Bradley Jr. (3), Charles Gardner (2), Selah R. Hobbie (2), S.D. Jacobs (2), Horatio King (2), St. John B.L. Skinner (2 handstamped), 2nd Assist.: Seth Pease, Phineas Bradley, Selah R. Hobbie (2), Robert Johnston, Philo. C. Fuller, William Medill, William J. Brown (3), etc. and 3rd: Daniel Coleman, John Stuart Skinner, John Marron (2), a nice group of A.N. Zevely with 5 handstamped franks, etc.; also includes Chief Clerks William H. Dundas (3) and John Oakford, and Superintendent of Foreign Mails Joseph Blackfan, includes some enclosures and circulars dealing with postal matters; some faults, a F.-V.F. group, ex-Richard Graham Collection. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $210

[Post Office] A. N. Zevely, signature on 1861 "Transportation of the Mails" Post Office Department draft as payment to T.P. Barkalow for contract on route 2044, black "Newark N.J. Mar" cds and matching "Free" rating handstamp, Very Fine, ex-Richard Graham Collection. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $170

[Navy] Naval Accountant and Chief Clerk Free Franks, group of 14 covers including 1800 Thomas Turner, 1822 & 1837 John Rodgers, Charles Morris, 1862, W. Wheelan, T. Jenkins, Thomas Harris 1865 William Faxon, Edgar T. Welles, Chas. Welsh and Charles W. Goldsborough; mixed condition, generally Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
The Office of the Accountant of the Navy was created by an Act of Congress on July 16th 1798 and lasted until the position was transferred to the Treasury Dept. as the 4th auditor in 1817. The position of Chief Clerk was authorized by the Act creating the Navy Dept. in 1798, but did not have the franking privilege until 1847. Many covers are known with the Chief Clerks free frank as acting Secretary.
Realized: $220