Sante Fe N.M. Sep 9, double-circle datestamp and matching open grid cancel ties 3¢ dull red (26) on cover to Lexington Ind.; reduced slightly at right, F.-V.F., ex-Chase with his notes on back. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

Santa Fe, N.M., Feb 4, discernible cds on cover to Iowa, franked with 1857, 3¢ dull red (small corner nick) canceled by corner nick, with 4-page enclosure datelined "Pleseir (?) Jan. 25, 1861" mentioning being in the mountains during the harsh winter…the Indians are comiting considerable depridations hear but I think with the proper precausion thear will be but little danger. Thear was a man hear some 10 days since. He was murdered about 25 m. from haer. He had not any money when he left. Somle think the Mexicans murdered him becose he did not pay his bill. They taken his clothes off him. I regreted after I heard of his death I had not gave him money. Had he been a sober man I should have done it, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $375

New Mexico Territorial Balance, 1870-90's, 8 covers; includes 1882 & 1884 Fort Wingate (different postmark types), 1887 Mescalero, 1884 Lamy, 1890 Glorieta, 1887 East Las Vegas on illustrated mill corner card cover, 1883 Rincon on illustrated Central Hotel cover, and 1879 Fort Stanton with interesting enclosure in part…The population (here) is the worst class, desperados & outlaws. They shoot each other here for little more than fun.; clear postmark strikes throughout, Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $800

(New York) Sherwoods Corners N.Y. Dec. 3, perfectly applied greenish-blue stencil postmark with circle of dots and dashes and date in manuscript on 1844 folded letter to New Bedford Mass., red manuscript "Paid 18¾" rating at top right, manuscript "Charge H.H." charge box notation top left, Extremely Fine strike of this desirable marking, an Extremely Fine strike of this desirable marking, this is one of the finest recorded. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $450

(New York) Troy, N.Y., 10, Mar 7, sharp blue integral rate cds with matching "Paid" in scroll handstamp on cover to Stanbridge, Canada, red "U. State"s in scroll exchange handstamp and red "St. Johns, U.C., Mar 8" cds applied over "Paid" handstamp which also has been crossed out in pencil, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.

Cincinnati O., indistinct blue cds ties 3¢ dull red (26) on cover to Mount Vernon, Ill., large red "R" registry handstamp with manuscript "1417" control number; small mended bottom edge flaw, Fine and scarce early registry use. Estimate $200 - 300.
Ohio Cover Stock, box of approximately 1,000 covers in sleeves, ranging from stampless to 1900s arranged by county, includes some better like 1827 Athens fancy postmark, 1839 Hamilton straightline, 1862 Brunswick O., three Cleveland O., Medina C.H. with fancy ratemarker, etc.; some fancy cancels, registered uses, airmail and foreign destinations, range of towns and counties, plenty of value, viewing a must, F.-V.F (no photo). Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $800

York Pa., Oct 8, clear strike of town datestamp with name in ribbon above seated female allegorical figure and with date below, manuscript "12" rate on 1827 folded letter to Columbia Pa.; vertical file folds and slight toning, a Very Fine strike of this scarce and popular fancy stampless marking. Estimate $500 - 750.
This is the first handstamped depiction of Lady Liberty.
Realized: $525

(South Carolina) "So Ca R R", manuscript railroad postmark on two covers; one with red "5" cent due rating handstamp on circa 1851 small cover to North Carolina, other with matching "5" cent rating on docketed 1851 folded cover to Willington S.C., F.-V.F., Rarity IV. Towle Nos. 336-A-1 Estimate $200 - 300.

(Texas) Galveston, Tex. Sep. 20, cds ties 1857 3¢ dull red, 12¢ black on small green 1859 ladies cover to Monteche France at the 15¢ treaty rate, red "New York 'Paid 12' Oct 12" exchange cds, Brest (10.25) entry cds and red "P.D." framed handstamp, Very Fine. Scott Nos. 26+36 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $425