Southern Overland Mail & Express Co., Barlow & Sanderson Proprietors, Principle Office, Pueblo, Col. Ter., corner card on cover with illustrated design showing Six Horse Stage on Mountain Road, Stage with "Overland U.S. Mail/B.&S." imprint, to Auburn, N.Y. franked with 1¢ Banknote tied by blue cork handstamp, matching "Del Norte, Colo., Nov 13" postmarks; stamp corner nick and missing two other 1¢ stamps, F.-V.F. appearance, still a rare illustrated stagecoach design from this Colorado Stage and Express company, ex Perrson. Estimate $500 - 750.
Barlow and Sanderson was a dominant express company in southern Colorado and the San Juan Mountain region. It eventually gave way to the advancing railroads.
Realized: $1,050

Colorado Territorial Balance, 18 covers and card; with postmarks including 1867 Fort Lyon, 1867 Fort Sedgewick, 1860's Golden City, 1869 Mountain City, 1864 Black Hawk Point, 1899 La Plata, 1896 Cripple Creek to England, 1888 Monarch registered, 1880's Rico, 1877 Ouray, 1880's Breckin Ridge (altered postmark), 1880's West Las Animas with illustrated merchant corner card, other 1870-80's postmarks including Longmont, Poncho Springs, Fraser straight line, Colorado Springs, etc.; condition varied, generally F.-V.F. overall. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,600

(Kansas) Tecumseh K.T. Aug 30, ties 3¢ dull red (26) on yellow cover to Lima N.Y., original letter datelined "Osborne House, Tecumseh K.T. 8/28/1857" with Indian content, "Report states that the Indians in Douglas County are committing depredations of the most horrid descriptions. They are murdering the whites. The troops are out on the plains. They have had one or 2 skimishes with the Indians."; faults, reduced at left, Fine, ex-Meroni. Estimate $300 - 400.

(Kansas) Wyandott K.T. Sep 14, clear strike of balloon style cds on 3¢ red Nesbitt entire to Philadelphia Pa., endorsed "Bundle of Empty Envelopes" at left; reduced slightly at top, a Very Fine Kansas Territory use. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $80