Nome, Alaska, Registered, Aug 4, 1902, with three strikes of straight line City/State postmark (type 4, rarity 6) tying 8¢ bureau on 2¢ red corner card entire to San Francisco Cal., receiving backstamp, Very Fine, a choice example of this short-lived provisional registry postmark, later than the latest listed in Helbock. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200

Saint Michael, Alaska, Dec 20, 1900, cds and bar grid duplex (type 4) tying 10¢ brown (s.e. at bottom) on registered cover to Minneapolis, Minn., with purple "Registered, St. Michael, Alaska, Dec 20, 1900" 3-line date stamp, lengthy original enclosure on district court letterhead; few faint tone spots, otherwise Very Fine, a very rare unlisted Registered date stamp marking from Saint Michael, unlisted in Helbock. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $300

(Unalaska) Ounalaska July 24, 1871, dateline on letter to a Mrs. Emma McIntyre at "St. Paul Island, A.I." from her brother Ben, with cover hand-carried which gives some light on life and mail service in the Aleutians, with letter in part…The 'Cyane' came to this harbor on the eve of the 20th. Was very glad to see her and more than glad when I found that she had been to St. Pauls and had such a splendid letter from you It was the best letter I seen since leaving the East I think Alaska a success for all…I like very much better than my 'Dreams' as Crasby called the idea of coming here. Rec 'd a letter from him and one from Mel. Mel still has Alaska on the brain…Have disregarded the advice given by you and the Dr. and live in the room next (to) the store. Like much better than the little dark chamber at Hennigs. Mrs. Hennig is a very nice woman I can understand most she says but can speak but little Russian…I tend the store seven days in the week and fish the remainder of the time, which is after 4 o'clock at night. Last Sunday I traded all day, so much for having three stores in the place. We have to trade when we can. The schr Hutchinson is coming soon.… I can not write a good letter therefore take the will for the deed and send me (a) long one when the steamer returns.; cover and letter quite fresh, cover slightly reduced at right, Very Fine, a very rare early Alaskan inter-islands usage. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,400

White Pass And Yukon Route, imprint cover of "M. J. Heney, Contractor, Bennett, B.C.", to Seattle, purple "Alaska Flyer, S.S. Humboldt, Skagway 65 Hours" handstamp with flag, entered the mails with 2c Red tied by "Seattle Wash., Mar 11, 1900" flag machine cancel, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
The first person to exhibit real faith that a railroad could be built over White Pass was a Canadian, Michael J. Heney. He made his own survey between Skagway and Lake Bennett. When the company was organized, Henry became the contractor for the road. The 27 miles of track along the lake was the last section to be completed, with the final spike being driven July 19, 1900. Henry sent this cover from Bennett while the Lake Bennett section of the road was still under construction.
Realized: $425

1898-1900s Alaska Territory & Related, group of 14 covers and over 70 post cards including multicolor Alaska scenes and some real photos, small group mounted on pages White Pass & Yukon Route including 1898 use from Skagway to Juneau on White Pass and Yukon Route corner card cover, 1902 Seattle use with Puget Sound Bridge and Dredging Co. illustrated corner card cover, 1908 #319 use on White & Yukon Route corner card cover, and 1906 Ryezihitsa, Russia registered cover to Nome, Alaska bearing Russia 10kop strip of three and Jul. 1st arrival backstamp. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $400

Alaska Name-of-Ship Markings, group of 7 covers comprising 1922 "Seattle & Seward, Str. Victoria", 1923 "Seattle & Seward, Str. Alameda", 1926 "Seattle & Seward, Str. Yukon", 1926 "Seattle & Seward R.P.O., S.S. Alaska", and three Canadian: 1933 "Vancouver-Skagway R.R., S.S. Princess Norah", 1921 "Vancouver-Skagway R.R., S.S. Princess Alice" and 1937 "Can. Pac. Ry. Co. S.S. Princess Charlotte", six are mounted on pages with picture post card of ship, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $625

Alaska View Picture Post Cards, 1903-10, group of 16 post cards, three unused; 13 mining related with titles including "B.S. Dowing Leaving Fairbanks for Dawson with a Half Million Dollars in Gold Dust", "Sluicing on Anvil Creek, Nome, Alaska", "Poor Man's Friend, the Old Reliable Rocker, Fairbanks, Alaska", etc., couple with personal notation regarding the mining scenes, some posted in Dawson Y.T., one with Cleary postmark (type 1, rarity 6), Very Fine overall. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $750