Australia, 1855 Battersea, England to Melbourne, Victoria, cover franked with G.B. 1854, 2d blue, three singles tied by "2" barred oval handstamps, red "1d" handstamp and manuscript "2" rate with three-line "Advertised and Unclaimed" handstamp, reverse with straight line origin handstamp and red G.P.O. Victoria cds, original enclosure, accompanied by original "Dead Letter Branch/Returned Paid Letter" return cover with printed Rowland Hill notice on innerflap and cover; original cover with small light stain affecting one stamp, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
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Australia, 1856 London, England to Melbourne, Victoria, endorsed prepaid packet letter with red "London, Paid, Mr 6, 1856" cds, redirected upon arrival to Tarrengower with Victoria 1850, 1d rose + 3d blue slightly overlapping and tied by barred "1" oval handstamps, Melbourne and transit backstamps; light cover soiling and outer nicks at top center, F.-V.F., an interesting incoming usage with redirection fee paid by first issue adhesives. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $500

Australia, 1868 Aberdeen, Scotland to Melbourne, Victoria, cover franked with G.B. 1867, 6d QV tied by origin duplex postmark, "via Panama" routing endorsement and blue "6d, More To Pay" in oval handstamp, London transit and receiving backstamps; some cover edge toning at top edge, Very Fine, the Panama route went bankrupt shortly thereafter in December of 1868. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200

Australia, 1877 London, England to Melbourne, Victoria, consignee letter endorsed "Shippers Letter, pr British Commerce", handed over to the postal authorities in Melbourne and handstamped with boxed "Loose Ship Letter" and "2d To Pay" in oval; couple tone bands and tears at top, otherwise Very Fine, an early and limited use of both handstamps. Estimate $300 - 400.

Australia, 1878 Muttaburra to Elderslie, Queensland, cover franked with Queensland 1876, 1d orange, pair tied by "275" barred oval cancel with Muttaburra cds alongside, forwarded to Waverly with boxed "Deficient Postage" handstamp and red crayon "2d" fee for redirecting an incolony letter, Clermont transit postmarks and appropriate backstamps, Very Fine, a unusual usage of a deficient postage handstamp on a redirected cover. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $500

Australia, 1883 Symphorien, France to Adelaide, South Australia, unpaid cover with "via Brindisi" routing and origin cds on face, red manuscript "50c" rating with numerous French transit postmark on reverse including red Lignet packet, "T" in triangle handstamp and large bold "10" pence rate handstamp applied in Adelaide upon arrival, Very Fine, a rare due marking from Adelaide. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $500

Australia, 1885 Madison, Wis. to Sydney forwarded to Geelong, Victoria, cover franked with U.S. 1883, 2¢ red brown, two pairs and three singles canceled by target handstamps, "via San Francisco" routing endorsement with pencil "Due 10¢" above, "Insufficiently Prepaid" handstamp with oval "More To Pay" handstamp with "5" rate struck at center, forwarded with "5" rate crossed out and rated "2d" in manuscript, appropriate transit backstamps; stamp faults from overlapping cover, otherwise Very Fine, a interesting underpaid double rate letter usage. Scott No. U.S. 210 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $300

Australia, 1887 Palermo, Italy to Sydney, New South Wales, 1881, 10c brown domestic postal card with Palermo origin cds at right and Sydney receiver below, blue crayon "T" and "10d" due rate handstamp for double the 5d international postal card rate, Very Fine, a previously unrecorded example of this 10d handstamp. Estimate $400 - 600.

Australia, 1888 Marborough, Queensland to Adelaide, S.A. forwarded to East Melbourne, Victoria, cover franked with Queensland 1887, 2d gray blue tied by sunburst cancel with origin cds alongside, forwarded to East Melbourne with South Australia 1876, 2d orange tied by "Ship Mail Room, Adelaide" duplex postmark; appropriate transit and receiving backstamps; some contemporary docketing affect S.A. 2d, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.

Australia, 1891 Sydney O.H.M.S. Registered Envelope, 6d red entire posted locally to the Dept. of Public Instruction, with "Sydney, Ju 20, 91" duplex postmark and an unrecorded "Officially Registered, Sydney N.S.W., Ju 22, 91, 4d More to Pay" date stamp; minor staining, otherwise Very Fine, an extremely rare registration due marking. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $425