Postal Cards, 1873-1970s, collection UX1//UX62, UY1//UY20 in two cartons including mounted pages, loose and plating studies, the UX1 mounted with 70 plated used (cat. $1,750), UX3 plating, UX4 mint, UX27C and UX27D used, advertising including illustrated, foreign destinations, cancels, etc., many extra unmounted material, plenty of value worthy close inspection (no photo). Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,300
Postal Card Collectors Accumulation, accumulation of over 10,000 postal cards ranging from UX1 to modern UX120, UXC1//UXC27, UY1//UY48, better including UX1 with inverted watermark, some fancy cancels; UX3 with three mint, Oak Hall multiple ad, territorial uses from Colorado, big hole damage, inverted and reversed watermarks, fancy cancels like NYC numerals/letters, Pittsburgh Skull & Crossbones, color cancels incl. blue, purple and violet; UX4 used with inverted and reversed watermark, some advertising, UX5 with fancy cancels of Naperville Indian Head, Worcester Mass. fancy, Freeport Ill. face and Shelby Oh. "OK", UX6 mint (4) and used, UX6a mint and used, UX7 mint (2), some fancies incl. Lebanon Patent cancel, NYC late arrival mail train detention, RPOs, auxiliary markings and advertising, UX8 mint, UX28 mint miss-cut, UX33 including mint; some plate varieties and machine cancels, some better UXC used, etc. (no photo). Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,750

1873-1965 U.S. Postal Card Collection, collection in 6 albums including UX1//UX53, UC1//UC3, UY1//UY19, includes illustrated advertising, 19th and 20th century fancy cancels, card stock and printing varieties, foreign destinations, some better noted including UX3 mint, UX fancy cancels including Boonesboro Ioa. pumpkin face, Keeseville N.Y. fancy shield, three strikes of Pittsburgh skull and crossbones in coffin, blue Pittsburgh point hand, purple Elyria Oh. "POD", Pittsburgh "HR", ads including Wilmington Oh. multiple ad and illustrated Mt. Vernon Oh. land warrants, UX5 mint and used with fancies including colors like orange West Rutland Vt., purple Maltese cross and City of Sherman Tex. "OK", Putnam Maltese cross in square, Thorntown Ind. with skull and crossbones (card creased), various stars including Bath N.Y. in true brown, blue Monticello Flor. "hat", territorials, use with Centennial expo cds, UX14 var. (S17e) used with large dent at just left of top frame cat. $180, UX7 with fancy cancels like North Hampton Mass. Star and Crescent and Stoning Ct. "76" in Shield, UX7a unused preprinted back cat. $225, and territorial uses from Fort Bowie Az., Deadwood Dak. and Indian Terr., UX8 fancy cancels incl. Mitchell Dak. Terr. with three leaf clover, UX8c unused preprinted back, UX9 with fancy cancels of Magnolia Wis. anchor, New Boston Conn. belt buckle postmark, UX9 var. (S8f) missing keystone variety preprinted, UX13 mint cat. $250, four UX13 used including to Cape Colony and Belgium, UX17 to Ecuador, UX18 to Tientsin with "5 / Ctms / T" Chinese due rating handstamp, UX19 var. (S24a) frame line entry preprint mint, UX21a used with nice illustrated coin advertising on front, UX22 (S30a) thin stock mint, UX27D preprinted mint, UX32-UX33 with surcharge varieties, UX34 used and preprinted mint, UX38 var. damaged corner error, UX44f rose pink var., UXC1a first day cancelled and one used with 1¢ Prexie, UY1 unsevered used to France with French 10c postage due, UY1c used unsevered, UY5 & UY6 mint unfolded cat $175 each, UY8 mint unfolded, UY10 mint unfolded cat $450 (corner crease) and two used cat. $200 each, UY27 var. (MR27c) var. cat. $125, etc., some faults. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $1,800
Postal Card Stock, approximately 260 items mostly in sleeves, good range of UX issues and a nice showing of the earlier unserved paid reply cards with better, some pre-printed items; owner's cat in excess of $7,000, worth review (no photo). Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Current Opening Bid: $475
1966-2008 Modern Postal Card Collection, mint and used collection and accumulation in three cartons, portion housed in about 15 albums, postal cards starting with UX54, airmail postal cards with UXC5 and reply postal cards with UY20, some later sets still in original USPS plastic, includes some signed by engraver, first day of issue including Colorano "Silk" cachets, etc. (no photo). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $850
U.S. Postal Card and Cut Square Collection, mint collection mounted with postal cards in three White Ace albums and cut squares in Scott National album, includes UX6, UY2, etc., UXC1//UXC25 cut squares including U10, U18, W57, etc. (no photo). Estimate $200 - 300.

1893 Exposition Postal Cards, group of 28 mostly mint cards with multicolor exposition souvenir cards, includes EX15a, EX16a, EX17a, EX19a, EX24a, EX45-EX49, EX50, EX52-EX54, EX57-EX61, EX67 used, EX74 Puck card mint, EX79 mint, some flaws, F.-V.F. Scott No. UX10 var. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $375