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Sale 58: The Winter Sale

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1861 to 1900 Naval Covers & Naval Agencies

Lots 628-637 Lots 638-647 Lots 648-657 Lots 658-659

Lot 648    

(Naval) 1890, U.S.S. Iroquois, three covers bearing Hawaii 1882, 5¢ ultramarine comprising circa 1890 uncancelled to Lt. C.A. Clarke on the Iroquois at Apia, Samoa, second with "Honolulu, H.I. May 1, 1890" duplex to Iroquois at Marshall or Gilbert Island- Pacific, crossed out and forwarded to Mare Island Navy Yard Cal.; and "Honolulu, H.I. Sep 9 1890" duplex on cover with purple "U.S.S. Iroquois" handstamp c.c. and addressed to Lt. Sewell at Mare Island Navy Yark Cal.; faults, Fine and interesting trio.
Scott No. Hawaii #39    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $350

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Lot 649    

(Naval) 1890-91, U.S. Ship Pensacola to Asbury Park N.Y., three legal size covers from the Geo. H. Cooke correspondence with preprinted corner card and address, first endorsed "Off Montevideo, Uruguay, November 30th 1890" bearing Uruguay 10c. pair tied by Montevideo Dec. 4th cds; second endorsed "Off Iquique, Chili, March 26th 1891" bearing Chili 5c. blue pair, 10c. orange tied by three strikes of "Caldera, Chile, 26 Mar 91" cds, and last endorsed "Harbor of Callao, Peru, June 23d 1891" bearing Peru 10c. gray pair tied by Callou (6.22) oval datestamp, a Very Fine trio.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $190

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Lot 650    

(Naval) 1891 (May 16) Yokohama, Japan to Bedford N.H., cover with "Office of the Commander-in-Chief. Asiatic Station." printed corner card with "Per S.S. Oceanic" and "From Yokohama May 16, 1891" endorsements, bearing Japan 5s. blue tied by "Yokohama, Japan 15 May 1891" cds, reverse with Bedford (6.5) cds, original enclosure with matching printed letterhead, Very Fine.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $145

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Lot 651    

(Naval) 1895 (Mar. 30) U.S.S. Essex, St. Thomas D.W.I. to Newport R.I., blue "U.S.S. Essex" printed corner card on cover bearing DWI 10¢ blue & brown (10) tied by "St. Thomas 30/3 1895" cds, New York Paid All (4.15) and Newport (4.16) transit backstamps, Very Fine.
Scott No. DWI #10    Estimate $200 - 300.

Realized: $150

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Lot 652    

(Naval) 1896 (Nov. 10) U.S.S. Boston, Ninsen, Korea to Portsmouth, N.H., bold purple "U.S.S. Boston" straightline on cover bearing Japan 5s blue tied by reddish "Ninsen I.J.P.O. 10 Nov 96" cds, Kobe (11.17) transit cds, reverse with Yokohama (11.20) and Portsmouth cds, fresh and Extremely Fine.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $425

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Lot 653    

(Naval) 1900 (Mar. 20) U.S.S. Albatrose, Yokohama, Japan to San Francisco Cal., purple penalty handstamp on legal size registered cover bearing Japan 10s brown orange strip of three, top faulty, tied by two strikes of "Yokohama Japan, 20 Mar 00" cds, Yokohama registry exchange label affixed, paymaster return address, three different San Francisco registry backstamps (4.7, 4.9); reduced slightly at top, F.-V.F., A rare U.S. penalty use from Japan.
Scott No. Japan #79    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $700

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Lot 654    

(Naval) Naval Library & Institute, U.S. Navy Yard, Boston, blurry strike of large oval handstamp on cover addressed to Actg. Master Geo. M. Ransom, U.S. Ship Portsmouth, Coast of Africa, F.-V.F. a rare marking.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $230

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Lot 655    

(Naval) Naval Library & Institute, U.S. Navy Yard, Boston, illustrated circular forwarding handstamp on 1860 cover bearing 1857, 3¢ dull red, minor flaws, tied by "Manhattanville N.Y. Mar 26" cds, addressed to John W. Jones, U.S. Steamer Mystic, African Squadron, West Coast of Africa, via Charlestown Navy Yard, Mass, original 1860 enclosure accompanies; some edge wear, F.-V.F.
Scott No. 26    Estimate $400 - 600.

Realized: $1,200

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Lot 656    

(Naval) Navy Agency — Baltimore, blue straightline within bars handstamp on folded part letter addressed to Dr. Ninian Pinkney U.S.N., Pacific Squadron, on board the U.S. Store Ship "Relief" at Callao, Peru, black "Easton Md. Feb 23" cds with matching "Paid" handstamp and red ms. "12½" rating to Baltimore, endorsed to the care of Capt. Nicholson; missing bottom backflap, otherwise Very Fine.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.


Realized: $1,500

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Lot 657    

(Naval) Navy Agency — Baltimore, clear bold strike of blue straightline within bars handstamp on folded cover to A.O. Dayton, Esq., Fourth Auditor at Washington D.C., entered mails with blue "Baltimore Md Aug 7" cds and matching oval "5" rating handstamp, Extremely Fine.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.


Realized: $1,250

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Lots 628-637 Lots 638-647 Lots 648-657 Lots 658-659

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