(Naval) 1871 (Apr. 28) U.S.S. Lancaster, Montevideo, Uruguay to Pottsville, Pa., blue "U.S. Flag-Ship Lancaster" oval rope ship cachet on cover with preprinted address, bearing 1870, 15¢ bright orange, couple perf flaws, tied by "N.York Steamship Jun 6" cds, original letter datelined "'Lancaster', Montevideo, Apl 28 /71"; some light soiling, reduced slightly at right, Fine. Scott No. 152 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $240

(Naval) 1871 (Jul. 22) U.S.S. Narragansett, Callao, Peru to New York N.Y., cover with "Ship's Letter, U.S.S. Narragansett at Callao, Peru S.A. Jul 22nd" endorsement bearing 3¢ green (147) tied by "N.York Steamship, Aug 13" cds, manuscript "Due 7" cent due rating, long original letter accompanies; small flaws, Fine. Scott No. 147 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $190

(Naval) 1871-3 c. (Sep. 21) Dansville, N.Y. to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, cover with preprinted address to Oscar Woodruff on the U.S. Steamer Monongahela, bearing 1870, 15¢ bright orange cancelled by cross cancel prepaying the 15¢ treaty rate (eff. Oct. 1870), red "New York Paid All Sep 23" exchange cds, sent on the USBMC line from New York to Brazil, docketed as no longer on ship and forwarded back on return sailing, Washington D.C. (11.21) cds with the New York Navy Yard and finally to street address, New York (11.23) arrival cds; couple small edge tears, Very Fine and interesting use. Scott No. 152 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $220

(Naval) 1872 c. U.S.S. California to Mare Island, Ca. via New York, printed corner card "Pacific Fleet, Medical Department, U.S. Flag-Ship California" on cover bearing 10¢ brown (150) tied by "N.York Steamship" cds to Lieut. A. S. Taylor, U.S.M.C., Marine Barracks, Navy Yard, Mare Island, Cal., some docketing and small corner tear, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $300

(Naval) 1877 c. (Sep. 13) Nagasaki, Japan to Cleveland Oh., cover with printed "United States Naval Depot, Nagasaki, Official" corner card and bearing Japan 5s. brown, faulty, tied by cork cancel, matching "Nagasaki Japan Sep 13" cds, purple "Yokohama, Japan, Sep 21" cds and red "San Francisco Paid All Oct 11" backstamp transits, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $750

(Naval) 1881 (Feb.) U.S.S. Wachusett, Panama to Philadelphia Pa. via New York, printed "U.S. Stmr. Wachusett" corner card endorsement on cover bearing 1875, 5¢ blue tied by "New-York Feb 14 '81" duplex, 1880 docketing at left, noted as originating in Panama and prepaid at the 5¢ steamship rate; reduced slightly at right; Philadelphia (2.14) arrival backstamp; cover was sent by George W. Tyler, Very Fine. Scott No. 179 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $260

(Naval) 1882 (Mar.) "Ship's Letter - U.S.S. Vandalia" to Concord N.H., manuscript endorsement on cover bearing 5¢ blue (179) tied by New York "4" simplex cancel, New York "U.S. Charge to Collect .15 Cents" handstamp, reverse with 5¢ postage due (J4) strip of three tied by cork cancels, forwarded with "Concord N.H. Mar 9" cds to Boston Mass.; left corners mended and some edge wear, F.-V.F. appearance. Estimate $200 - 300.
This letter was from Paymaster Joseph Foster aboard the U.S.S. Vandalia, which was with the North Atlantic Squadron (April 1879 - Oct. 1884).
Realized: $170

(Naval) 1882 (Apr. 14) U.S.S. Wachusett, Sitka, Alaska to Philadelphia Pa., printed "U.S. Stmr. Wachusett" return address on cover with bold strike of "Sitka Alaska Apr 14" cds and additional strike adjacent ties 3¢ green (207), pencil "April 2d 1882" docketing, Philadelphia (5.4) arrival backstamp; cover tear and reduced at right just affecting perfs, Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
George H. White was the Chief Engineer of the "Wachusett", of 1032 tons with 8 smooth bore or rifled cannons. White, as a 1st Assistant Engineer, was off Sitka aboard the U.S.S. "Resaca" in 1867 when the ceremonies transferring Alaska to the United States took place.
Realized: $425

(Naval) 1884 (Apr.) "Ship's Letter, U.S.S. Tennessee" to Brattleboro, Vt., docketing on 2¢ red entire cancelled by New York "4"simplex cancel and with "New York F.D. Apr 3" backstamp, front "U.S. Charge to Collect 8 Cents" handstamp, 3¢ and 5¢ red brown (J3, J4) added and tied by partial cds in Brattleboro, reverse with "Brattleboro, Rec'd Apr 3" cds, 1884 receipt docketing at left; reduced slightly at right, Very Fine, ex-Gibson. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $500

(Naval) 1890 (Jul. 5) U.S.S. Iroquois, Honolulu, Hawaii to Mare Island, Cal., purple straight line "U.S.S. Iroquois" handstamp on cover bearing 1882, 5¢ ultramarine, well centered, tied by "Honolulu, H.I., Jul 5, 1890" duplex postmark to the U.S. Naval Yard at Mare Island, Cal., Extremely Fine. Scott No. Hawaii #39 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $210