France, Covers to Spain, 1862-1865, selection of 10 items, interesting group generally clean & F-VF, please inspect. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $85
France, Collection, 1840-1984, housed in two Ka-Be albums; useful range of used classics and some good early mint including semi-postals, strong mint completion from 1930's; mixed condition, 1996 Scott approximately $5,500. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $650
France, Collection, 1849-2003, mostly mint neatly arranged on stockpages in 9 binders; starting with used classic with neatly canceled 4-margin imperfs and well centered perf'd, 1872 formula card usage, nice showing of later definitives, 1912 first flight card, some good n.h. sets starting from 1920's on, predominately mint n.h. from 1935 with good singles and sets including 1936 Expo set, PEXIP souvenir sheets, strong completion thereon with nice fresh sets to turn of the century including booklets and commemorative items, back-of-the-book with semi-postals missing only the scarce items with good later sets present, airmails including 1936 set (C8-C14, cat $977), used C15 with neat corner cancel (cert.), C16-C17, etc., other issues including Indo-China, etc.; nice material with condition above the norm. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,250
France, Collection, 1849-1999, mostly mint housed in Minkus album; nice selection of early issues including 1853-60 Napoleon issues complete used and later with mint, Ceres issues including run of perf'd issues to the 25c, good mint in Peace & Commerce types, virtually all mint from 1900-29 Liberty & Peace issues including key 2fr value (Sc. 129, cat $750), good basic completion thereon missing some of the scare issues including 1929, 20fr Pont Du Gard, etc., mint completion in semi-postal issues missing the key Sc. #B10 but with other better values present, similar completion in airmails missing some of the scarce issues but includes #C1-C2, little other back-of-the-book including some offices; condition varies, worth review. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,100
Lot 3118 o
France, Used Stock, regular issues housed on stockpages in two large binders; 19th century Napoleon & Ceres issues with some quantities and a nice range of cancel types, good showing of Peace & Commerce issues with some of the better issues present, useful range of later with occasional heavy duplication, some back-of-the-book worth checking.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $100
France, Covers to Holland, 1863-1870, group of 9 items, mostly with numbered start cancels, almost all to Amsterdam, some other interesting markings, please inspect. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $60
France, Regular Issue Stock, mostly good to better issues on dealer pages housed in two stockbooks; useful mix of early classic issues, good mint Peace & Commerce issue and later definitives with some items cataloging $200+, better 1929-33 20fr Pont Du Gard issues including mint Sc. 253 (cat $275), good to better later singles and sets; condition varies mostly confined to early issues, worth evaluation. Scott No. 11//1100 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $800
France, Stock, thousands arranged on stockpages in 6 binders; mix of various used 19th century issue in modest duplication, similar early 19th century with mint with moderate duplication after 1930 virtually all mint, with good n.h. singles and sets cat. $10-$15+ in n.h. condition, thru to modern, with back-of-the-book issues including substantial section of semi-postal issues with some early issues including #B16-B19 (cat $214), strong run of mint issues from 1936 with modest to moderate duplication, block and booklets in modern, etc., also some mint airmails, selection of dues and other back-of-the-book; condition varies with lots of fresh mint throughout. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $325
France, Semi-Postal Better Group, mint on dealer pages, good early issues including Sc. B7, B11 x4, B12-B19 (cat $219), B67-68 x3, etc., condition a little varied, owner's 2013 Scott cat $2,499, inspect. Scott No. B1//B83 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $325
France, Semi-Postal Stock, mostly good to better issues on dealer pages housed in two stockbooks with a high degree of n.h.; early n.h. including Sc. B21, B44-B45 x7, B48-B53, B54-B59 x3, B86-89A x2, B157a, B285-B290 x2, etc.; nice fresh material throughout. Scott No. B21//B572a Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $300