Kenson's Owens River Express, cover to San Francisco, Cal. with Kenson's "San Carlos Dist. Inyo." type IV circular handstamp, entered the mails with "Esmeralda, N.T., Oct 31, 1863" cds and franked with 1861, 3¢ rose canceled by target; small stamp faults and professionally restored cover tears from opening at right, F.-V.F. appearance, one of eight recorded usages from this short-lived express. Scott No. 65 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,600

Lamping & Co.'s Express, black company frank at left of 1864, 3¢ pink entire to Strawberry Valley, red "Langton's Pioneer Express, Browns Valley" oval handstamp canceling; cover reduction at right into indicia restored, F.-V.F. appearance, a rare usage of the Langton's handstamp by successor Lamping & Co's and believed to be a unique handstamp. Estimate $300 - 400.
Samuel Langton was accidently killed on August 24, 1864. Lamping & Co., who were Downieville bankers, purchased Langton's Express and used the Langton's handstamp until May 1865 when Lamping's handstamp arrived.

Langton's Pioneer Express, Columbia Hill, blue oval handstamp (LAN-100) on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, black fancy frank at top left, connecting with blue "Wells, Fargo & Co., Nevada, Feb 16" oval date stamp, 1860 docketing at left, Very Fine, a scarce express combination usage from Columbia Hill. Scott No. U10 Estimate $300 - 400.

Langton's Pioneer Express, Columbia Hill, blue oval handstamp (LAN-100) on 1860, 3¢ pink entire to San Francisco, ornamental company frank and additional blue "Wells, Fargo & Co., Marysville" oval connection date stamp for delivery to San Francisco; restored backflap and upper left edge, otherwise Very Fine, one of four recorded examples of this Langton's handstamp. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $135

Langton's Pioneer Express, Downieville, black oval handstamp on 1864, 3¢ pink entire with Langton printed ornate frank, Antonio Daneri correspondence to San Francisco with "Wells Fargo/Marysville" blue double oval handstamps from when exchanged, Very Fine. Scott No. U35 Estimate $300 - 400.

Langton's Pioneer Express, Forest City, choice strike of blue oval handstamp (LAN-100) on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire to Noisy Carriers in San Francisco, ornamental company frank; small cover tear above indicia, Very Fine, one of the finest of three recorded examples of this Forest City handstamp. Estimate $300 - 400.
After the fail of Adams in February of 1855, Langton for a short period carried express material all the way to San Francisco. This cover falls within that period.

Latta's Mountain Express, blue boxed printed frank (LAT-002) on 1864, 3¢ pink entire to San Francisco, with "Washington, Cal., Sep 19" express cds (LAT-100), blue "Wells, Fargo & Co., Nevada, Sep 20" oval connecting date stamp for delivery to S.F., Very Fine, one of the finer of four used examples of this company frank. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
R.W. Latta ran from Nevada City to Alpha and Omega and on to Washington and connected with Wells, Fargo & Co. in Nevada City.
Realized: $3,500

(Latta's Mountain Express) Per R.W. Latta, manuscript endorsement on 1861, 3¢ pink entire to Nevada City, Cal., with additional "Coin $28.75" money endorsement below, 1866 docketing; cover slightly reduced at right, Very Fine, one of only a couple Latta express manuscript usages known. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $170

Leland & McComb's Express, San Francisco, red oval handstamp (LEA-100) on cover to Columbia, Cal., manuscript "adv chgs 25¢" fee notation at top; light edge wear, otherwise Very Fine, this being one of only two examples of Leland & McComb's San Francisco handstamp. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $350

Leland & McComb's Express, San Jose, oval handstamp (LEA-1000) on 1854 folded letter to San Francisco, with matching "Paid" in oval handstamp; file fold, F.-V.F., one of three recorded examples of this handstamp, ex Chaloner. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $200