Castella and Cinnabar Mail Express and Saddle Train, black & red Conway & Little corner card (CAS-400) on cover to Redding, Cal., franked with 2¢ red canceled by target handstamp, matching "Castella, Cal., Jun 28, 1898" cds, Very Fine, only a couple examples recorded. Estimate $200 - 300.
From the base at Castella, this small local pack mule express ran into the back county mountains of northern Shasta County.
Realized: $150

Chase's Express, Yreka, Deadwood & Indian Creek, colorless embossed scroll frank (CHA-002) at top left of 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, entered the mails with "Sacramento, Cal., May 14" cds; partial backflap, Very Fine, one of six recorded examples of this express frank, ex Dale-Lichtenstein, Whitington & Schaefer. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
G.W. Chase started his express in 1856, running from Deadwood & Indian Creek to Yreka where he connected with Wells, Fargo & Co. to Sacramento.
Realized: $375

Cram, Rodgers & Co.'s Express, Weaverville, clear full strike of blue oval handstamp (CRA-102) on cover to San Francisco, with matching "Paid" in oval handstamp and sharp bold red "Adams & Co., Shasta, Augst 7" oval date stamp (ADA-102) alongside, manuscript Adams Express endorsement at bottom, Very Fine and choice, an exceptional conjunctive express usage and one of only two examples of the Cram, Rodgers & Co.'s handstamp from Weaverville. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $400

Cram, Rogers & Co.'s Express, San Francisco & Shasta, blue oval handstamp (CRA-100) on 1851 incoming cover to Sacramento City, manuscript "Ridgeway, Wis, Feb 25" origin postmark with "40" rate, red "Adv'd" handstamp applied in Sacramento, picked up by express with blue "Gregory's Express" two-line handstamp (GRE-100) from Sacramento to Shasta where it was handed over to Cram, Rogers & Co. for delivery to the mines, manuscript "$3.00" charge for $2.50 plus postal fees (42¢ rounded up); some light soiling and edge wear, F.-V.F., a rare conjunctive express usage, ex Haas, Parker, Vogel, Walske & Schaefer. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.

Crook's Express, Scotts River, clear oval handstamp in usual light blue color (CRO-100) on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt entire to the Editor of the Chronicle in Yreka, blue Wells, Fargo & Co. straight line "Shasta" handstamp above (crossed out after connecting with Crook's) and black company frank at top left, Very Fine, a rare express usage, with only eight examples of this handstamp are known. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
A.D. Crook ran an express service from Yreka to the mines along the Scott & Klamath rivers.

Downieville & Howland Flat Express, Paid., boxed frank (Thomas DOW-001) on 1864, 6¢ pink legal size entire addressed to Eureka; slightly reduced at left and small tear into indicia, otherwise Very Fine, one of four used examples of this frank. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $525

Eureka Express Co., 3 entires each with different printed frank; first type "Nevada Cal." frank (Thomas EUR-001) on 1870, 3¢ green entire with "Wells, Fargo & Co., Nevada, Cal." oval date stamp, second type (EUR-002) on 1874, 3¢ green entire with W.F. & Co. date stamp from Nevada, and third Columbian type blue frank (EUR-003) on 2¢ Columbian entire posted in Nevada City; few flaws, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350

Eureka Express Co., printed frank on 3¢ green entire to San Francisco, usual conjunctive usage with indistinct blue "Wells, Fargo & Co. Nevada, Cal." oval datestamp, Very Fine. Scott No. U82 Estimate $150 - 200.
This express operated in the mountain camps above the Yuba and Feather Rivers.
Realized: $210

Everts & Co.'s Express, Feather River, blue three-line handstamp used during the Everts Snell & Co.'s Express period (EVS-101), on cover to Sacramento City with "Georgetown, Cal., Aug 17" origin cds with matching "Paid 6" rate handstamp, "6" crossed out when connecting with express and pencil "S.C. 1.00" Spanish Creek destination and express rate; few light spots, Very Fine, a rare usage of this Evert's & Co. handstamp used during the Everts Snell & Co.'s Express period, this being one of three examples known. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $475

Everts, Snell & Co.'s Express, Feather River, blue oval handstamp on cover to Marysville, "Albion Mich. May 9" origin cds with manuscript "10" rate, pencil "BrV" (Brownsville) & "125" ($1.25) destination and express rate for delivery to Mr. Worden, with original enclosure, "June 25, 1853" docketing at left; minor corner wear, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350