Canadian Provinces, Stock, 1860-1944, predominately mint Newfoundland on stock pages in two binders; with a nice showing of early 1860 issues and mixed */o 1865-96 Pictorials including some nice well centered items, 1897 Pictorial set */o, mint 1910 Tercentenary issues including variety, later with singles and sets with some modest duplication and the occasional n.h., airmail with better issues including #C2 x2, C3, C6-C8 with additional including n.h., other Provinces including 4-margin Nova Scotia #1 & #5 used, little P.E.I., etc.; nice fresh mint throughout, worth careful evaluation. Scott $16,092 Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Canada, Selection, 1851-1940, dealer sales book, with mint & used from 5d beaver to KGVI booklet panes, nothing of particular importance here, singles & a few sets, mixed quality, owner's catalog value about $8,800, please inspect for accurate value. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $375
Canada, Collection, 1851-1969, useful mint & used in Davo album; starting with used classics including used #1 and 4-margin #4, selection of the 1859 issue to the 12½c, good showing of large and small Queens, 1897-98 Widowhead complete used and a useful range of mixed */o thereon, some airmails; condition varies. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $600
Lot 2935 o
Canada, 19th Century Used Stock, 1859-98, nice variety of good to better issues on dealer pages; starting with 1859 issues with 10¢ & 12½¢ shades, good showing of large and small Queens with many well centered items and a nice mix of cancels, strong section of Jubilee issues with well centered items throughout including dollar values up to the $5, nice showing of widowheads; some modest duplication, worth evaluation.Scott No. 14//84; $16,791 Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Canada, Accumulation/Stock, 1859-1980, old time assortment of classic issues and back of book including revenues on stock pages in 5 binders, strong value in 19th century material and early to mid 20th century mint issues including parallel mint and used modern postage issues, duplication (valuable items as well), condition varies but still worth careful review. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,250
Canada, 19th Century Mint Stock, 1868-99, substantial holding of good to better issues in dealer pages in two counter binders (no Jubilees); starting with a few large Queen issues, good showing of small Queens with better including a couple 1877, 10¢ dull rose lilac issues (Sc. 40, o.g. and no gum), well centered #45a, several nice 1893 20¢ vermilion issues, modest to moderate duplication in 1897-98 Widowheads including some nice n.h. multiples and a few gem centered items, similar 1898 Widowheads up to the 20¢ value, some later issues; nice fresh material with condition well above the norm, well worth careful evaluation. Scott No. 21//88; $32,997 Estimate $7,500 - 10,000.
Canada, Selection, 1868-1975, displayed on stockcards, glassines, album pages, etc., generally attractive run of issues, somewhat mixed condition on the earlies, part with owner's catalog value of $6,000+, closer attention to content & condition will be rewarding, please inspect. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $900
Canada, Collection, 1875-1975, in Scott Specialty album, mostly never hinged on pages & glassines, selection of some better including Fisheries plate blocks (4), Totem Pole plate blocks, some singles from 1900 & later including Peace $1 and some KGV singles, please inspect. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $500
Canada, Collection, 1880-1980, displayed in hingeless album, other albums, stockbooks, quite well filled, lacking the higher values, still very useful, many issues present both mint & used, note some booklets, minor duplication, please inspect. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $260
Canada, Collection, 1890-1995, in two homemade albums, a few QV issues, mainly KGVI and QEII, some inscription blocks, booklets, some paper varieties, values to $2, some miniature sheets, minor duplication, much more, please inspect. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $190