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Sale 56: The Westpex Sale

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United States Possessions

Lots 2867-2876 Lots 2877-2882

Lot 2867 /o   

U.S. Possessions, Collection, 1873-1984, 2 Scott volumes full of stamps; many better items, sets, etc.; Should be inspected to appreciate the extensiveness of this collection, generally F-VF.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

Realized: $1,900

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Lot 2868 /o   

U.S. Possessions, Collection, 1874-1972, 2 volume collection; beautifully mounted on pages; very strong in all areas (No Hawaii) including strong Canal Zone (mint #1, 4-8, etc.); condition generally fresh and nice.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

Realized: $1,700

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Lot 2869 /o   

U.S. Possessions, Stock, box full of glassines with stamps, each identified; nice value in Canal Zone, Cuba, DWI and Philippines; also considerable value in Micronesia, etc., in mint n.h. sets; inspection sure to reward.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $400

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Lot 2870    

Canal Zone, Covers, one man's accumulation of 85 covers/cards - wide variety of usages, frankings, and markings.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $290

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Lot 2871 /o   

Canal Zone, 1904-1960s Stamp and Cover Accumulation, group of 4//J28 mint and used stamps, 46 covers and three International Response coupons to Balboa from San Salvador, Allentown and Austria, stamps include mint 4/6, J13, used J15-20, covers include some interesting inbound usages, 1929 airmail first flight with C3 on UC2 from C.Z. to U.S., a few FDC's, etc.; some faults, worth inspection, F.-V.F.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $160

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Lot 2872    

Danish West Indies, Incoming Group, 1880-1910's, of approximately 45 covers and cards; various origin countries including U.S., Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark, England, Canada, Antigua, Belize, etc., mostly postal card usages.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $375

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Lot 2873    

Hawaii, Post Card Collection, selection of 59 vintage picture postcards, c.1900-1920's, with many notable views, including Honolulu hotels, beach, Diamond Head, fish series, downtown views, mountain views, pineapple harvest time, beauties, volcanoes, and many more; many real photo, Aloha Nui cards, Curio Shop, etc., generally F-VF condition, please inspect.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $400

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Lot 2874 /o   

Hawaii, Selection, group of about 160+ items; mixed mint and used; please inspect.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $280

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Lot 2875 /o   

Hawaii, Stock, mint & used in stockbook; includes mixed early Kamehameha issues, Numerals including Sc. 21, 23-24, selection of Banknote issues mostly mint in quantities, including high values, later Pictorials and Officials, some useful back-of-the-book; condition mixed with much useful material and postmark potential.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $1,200

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Lot 2876 o   

Hawaii, Postmark Group, approximately 100 stamps on stockcards; range of stamps and a nice showing of various townmarks, scarce Hamakua Mill Co. straight line postmark, letters including negative "HI", "P" in circle, "PO", "FD" in circle, some mint; worth review.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $600

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Lots 2867-2876 Lots 2877-2882

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