1861-67, 1¢-90¢ Issues, mostly used collection on six quadrille pages; starting with "August" issues with 3¢ first design (#56 in shades), and 10¢ (#62B, natural s.e.), multiple examples of most regular issues, #64 with blue town, 5¢ buff shades, 24¢ including steel blue, 4 each of 30¢ & 90¢ values, 5¢ shades, 24¢ lilac pair, etc.; many well centered items and ex Newbury, Hind, Neiken & Jessup items. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $5,000
United States Block Collection, 1861-1992, 14 albums of mostly mint plate blocks and singles; nothing especially rare but nice material including booklets, etc.; generally fresh and nice (the mint only with a face value of nearly $2,000!). Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,100
2793 o/
Used Accumulation including Fancies, 1861-1890s, accumulation on stock pages including some covers and fancy cancels, few higher values like #71 & 121, cancels include stars, targets, numerals/letters, geometrics, etc., Fine and interesting collection. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $950
Lot 2794 o
1867 E. & F. Grill Issues, collection of 48 stamps on quadrille pages; E. grills mostly modest to moderate duplication to the 15¢, colored cancels, F. grill similar up to the 15¢ and couple 30¢ values, fancy and colored cancels; many well centered items and some ex Newbury & Jessup.Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,700

Lot 2795 o
1869 Pictorial Issues, complete used on quadrille pages in modest duplication (at least two of each denomination), includes large margin high values, fancy and colored cancels; quality above the norm with ex Newbury & Caspary items.Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $3,250
Banknote Issue Collection, 1870-90, mostly used on quadrille pages in modest duplication, 1870 issue with low denomination grills, and no grill including high values, some with N.Y.F.M. cancels, similar 1873 including multiple high values, 1879 with mint and later including high values present, quality above the norm with ex Caspary & Newbury items. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $3,000
Lot 2797 o
3¢ Banknote Issue Hoard, of thousands loose and on stockcards, at a glance mostly common cancels, unchecked for varieties, etc.; viewing may prove rewarding, from the Estate of the late John E. Du Pont.Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $800
Postal Marking of Boston, Mass. on 2¢ Vermilion Banknote Issue, 1875-1883, well formed collection of approximately 280 stamps and a dozen covers mounted on pages in early album; starting with a study of the various negative letter handstamps including cover to England, similar negative numeral handstamp section including three choice on cover usages, also numeral and letter bar ellipses, section of the patent Gaston pin cancellation including 1869 Patent Office announcement and on cover usage, Stokes patent mail stamp, third class mail, early machine, "Held for Postage" on cover, etc.; condition and strikes well above the norm throughout. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $350
United States Collection, 1875-2000, in stockbooks, albums, sheet files, much of value in modern postage, postage needs to be counted, please inspect. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $250
1890-98 Small Banknote & Bureau Issues, balance collection on stock pages in Scott albums; collector's array of issues with many well centered items, on cover, shade study, high values, etc.; worth careful review. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.