U.S. FDC's Uncacheted, 1929-1944, over 1700 covers, all without cachet, including a few airmails, some better, please inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250
U.S. FDC's, 1935-1975, large carton with 5,000 or so covers, mixed cacheted & uncacheted, most common, please inspect. Estimate $350 - 500.
Realized: $220
Lot 2748
United States Tokens and Gambling Chips, large box of 100's and 100's; includes 100-125 Gambling Chips, mostly from Nevada with face value up to $100 each! Nice variety of tokens from all over; should be inspected.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $475
United States Consignment Balance, modest assortment of later commemorative blocks, F.A.'s in blocks tied by FDC's on piece, special delivery plate blocks, Farley special printings FDC cover, etc. Estimate $20 - 30.
Realized: $15
United States Cover Accumulation, approximately 1,000 covers in box; much of which was processed for Ebay sales ($2-$15 covers) with some better items sure to be present; careful inspection will prove most rewarding. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $750
United States Cover Accumulation, approximately 600 covers in box; much of which was processed for Ebay sales ($2-$15 covers) with some better items sure to be present, also includes a run of mint postal cards; careful inspection will prove most rewarding. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $375
United States Cover Balance, unusual mix of 20 items; includes small cover with San Francisco "China And Japan, Steam Service" oval handstamp (stamp missing), 1860 cover from Vera Cruz to Europe franked with 1857 10¢ type V strip of four + 1¢ type V pair on reverse, some illustrated ad covers, Sp-Am war patriotic, 1890 cover from Roswell, N.M., 1931 Trans-Pacific mail, illustrated Santa Claus cover, etc.; some flaws, interesting group. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $400
United States Earlier Covers & Cards, one man's accumulation of 82 covers/cards chosen for interesting and unusual usages, markings, subject matter, etc. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450
Way Covers, group of 11 covers mounted on pages including Baltimore blue "Way" circled handstamp on free franked cover to Washington D.C., 1851 folded letter datelined "Glenarvons Favania" with blue "Way/6" h.s. to Richmond Va., two Mobile "Way 11" circular handstamps in red and blue, 1850 New Orleans "Way 11 Cents" rimless oval h.s., two 1850s New Orleans covers with "Way" cancels on #11 and 3¢ Nesbitt, two 3¢ entires with blue "Maysville Way" cds, and faulty cover with Detroit "Rail Road Way." oval; some faults, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $260