Lot 2726
Coin Collection, 100's of U.S. coins, display folders of Lincoln cents, Buffalo & Jefferson nickels, Mercury & Roosevelt dimes, Standing Liberty & Washington quarters, Walking Liberty & Franklin half dollars, a few Dollar coins; mostly circulated; also containing many Proof Sets in government mint packages; also box of loose coins with much silver; should provide a useful range, please inspect.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,900
Cover Balance, balance of consignment with mostly 1910s-1940s era covers with a couple censored uses, also includes Hyrum Utah Territory registered use to August Me. with five 3¢ grilled #136 stamps and a Fort Schuyler "Bayonet Charge at the taking of Fort Donelson" purple Civil War patriotic, etc.; mixed condition, Fine. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $150
Documents, Correspondence and Ephemera Group, dozens of letters, documents, check, waybills, letterheads, litho prints, etc.; much with a Western theme but some early eastern documents; a potpourri of material, worth review. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $525
Famous American FDC's, over 275 cacheted covers, many different designs & multicolored varieties, some quite scarce, addressed/unaddressed, many complete sets, clean and attractive, please inspect. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $240
First Day Covers, 1923-82, over 100 covers in album; includes 1923, 7¢ Harding & 1927, 10¢ Monroe FDC's with an interesting assortment of later including uncommon cachets, Prexies including $5, 1939 Baseball issue and other modern, some airmails and Ducks; inspect. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $210
Honey Bee and Related Covers, collection of 23 covers; many illustrated including nice illustrated American Bee Journal cover franked with #26 tied by octagon Philadelphia postmark, another franked with 2¢ Blackjack, with other later bee and bee related. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350
Interrupted Mail Cover Group, 1928-60, of four covers; chard 1928 oversized photograph cover from N.Y.C. to Fresno, Cal. with "Damaged in Mail Plane Accident at Huron, Ohio, Dec 20, 1926 6 P.M." handstamp, chard 1929 Tennessee to Washington state cover with P.O. Portland O. notice regarding Nov 30 plane wreck, 1941 Chicago to Indiana cover torn open with official seal and "Damaged in Station Robbery" handstamp, and chard 1960 "Damaged in Fire in Railway Mail Car, Daggett, California" cover. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $220
Lot 2735
Misc. Documents and Ephemera Group, 1863-1900, over 40 items; includes a number of bank checks including revenue franked California, many with nice illustrations, some 1860's promissory notes including Washoe Nevada with federal/state mixed revenue franking, etc.; worth a look.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $475