U.S. Army Transport Ships, 40 covers from U.S. Army transport ships, 9 different vessels (Oriente, Hunter Liggett, Republic, St. Mihiel, American Legion, Ludington, Leondard Wood, Chateau Thierry, and US Grant) in conjunction with various ports of call (Guam, Puerto Rico, Alaska, Canal Zone, etc), generally very fine, please examine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $40
U.S. Navy Crosby Cachets, 19 Crosby photo cachets on U.S. Navy ship covers, generally fresh and very fine, please examine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $120

U.S. Navy Diesel Submarine Covers, 100 1930's US Navy Diesel submarine covers, roughly half cacheted, particularly nice covers and strikes, please examine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $220

U.S. Navy Occupation of Vera Cruz 1914, 22 U.S. Navy ship covers all postmarked while in Mexican Waters during the occupation of Vera Cruz from April to November 1914, some scarcer ships (Tacoma, Des Moines, Salem), generally F-VF please examine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $400
U.S. Navy Ships 1945 Post War, 273 covers from U.S. Navy ships postmarked in 1945 after the Japanese surrender September 2, mix of covers with the newly issued name cancels and war time "z" cancels which read US Navy, all ships identifiable, mostly uncacheted, many of these ships went out of commission soon after the war ended and are quite scarce, please examine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190

U.S. Navy Ships at Pearl Harbor and Hawaii, 125 navy covers, 1930's-1941, from ships in Hawaii, nice assortment of ships on mostly uncacheted covers, included are a dozen or more late 1941 non-philatelic covers including a USS Nevada O.B. cover dated November 28, 1941. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $475

U.S. Navy Ships Cacheted 1930's Covers, 376 cacheted navy covers from the 1930's, all vessel types represented, assembled by a condition conscious collector over many years, the strikes and covers are far better than the average usually encountered, good mix of event and commemorative cachets, please examine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $625

U.S. Navy Ships With Autographs, 96 Navy ship covers autographed either by the ladies who sponsored the ship's launch or the commanding officer, this group is made up of carriers, battleships, cruisers, destroyers, and auxiliaries, meticulously collected after WWII by Chet Knowlson and Jim Russell who sent covers to these now long deceased skippers and sponsors to autograph, most covers with relevant cachets for the launch or commissioning, impossible to duplicate this group, please examine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $250
U.S. Navy Ships-China Ports, 40 covers from the 1930-1940's with China locations in the killer bars of US Navy ship cancels, mostly uncacheted, generally very fresh and very fine, please examine. Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $110

U.S. Navy Submarines with Autographs, 65 Navy submarine covers autographed either by the ladies who sponsored the ship's launch or the commanding officer, meticulously collected after WWII by Chet Knowlson and Jim Russell who sent covers to these now long deceased skippers and sponsors to autograph, most covers with relevant cachets for the launch or commissioning, impossible to duplicate this group, please examine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $350