Prussia, 1858, 3sgr orange, horizontal strip of three, large margins, tied with 3-margin 1858, 1sgr rose (11) on a 3sgr yellow entire to San Francisco, Cal. by beautifully struck boxed "Goerlitz 4/2" postmarks, red "Aachen/Paid 25Cts" and "Boston, 30, Br. Pkt., Feb 24" cds's; small piece of back missing, Very Fine, ex-Kramer; with 1985 Jürgen Kaustan certificate. Scott No. 13+11 Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Manuscript "2/11=13" indicates 2sgr retained by Prussia, 11sgr due others.
Realized: $3,750


Germany, 1889, 2pf-50pf Numeral & Eagle issue (Michel ZS #'s 45b, 46c, 47b, 48d, 49b, 50d & 52), vertical gutter blocks of 4, o.g., never hinged, all fresh and pristine with bright vibrant colors, a Very Fine set, a remarkably fresh gutter block set. Michel No. 45b ZS-52 ZS €3,950 ($4,400).
Realized: $1,300

Germany, 1951-52 Post Horns complete, full o.g., fresh with rich colors, a Very Fine set. Michel No. 123-138. Scott No. 670-685 $604.
Realized: $170

Germany, 1951-52 Post Horns complete, full o.g., fresh with rich colors, a Very Fine set. Michel No. 123-138. Scott No. 670-685 $604.
Realized: $160

254 (
Germany, 1935 OSTROPA souvenir sheet, without damaging sulphuric gum, remarkably bright and fresh, strong bold color, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. B68 $825 for no gum. Michel No. Block 3 €1,100 ($1,230).
Realized: $270

Lot 255 o
Germany, 1935 OSTROPA souvenir sheet, Konigsberg exposition cancels, rich colors, Very Fine. Michel No. Block 3.Scott No. B68 $700.
Realized: $270

Germany, Airmail, 1930, 2m-4m So. America Flight Zeppelins complete, o.g., lightly hinged, well centered, deep colors, a Very Fine set. Michel No. 438-439. Scott No. C38-C39 $480.
Realized: $160

Germany, Airmail, 1930, 2m-4m So. America Flight Zeppelins complete, single 2m and 4m two singles, tied by "Friedrichshafen, 18.5.30" cds's on airmail flight cover, red German flight cachet and green Lakehurst Zeppelin receiving backstamp, Very Fine. Michel No. 438-439. Scott No. C38-C39 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250

Lot 258 o
Germany, Airmail, 1931, 1m-4m Polar Flight Zeppelins complete, neat town cancels, nicely centered throughout, rich colors, a Very Fine set. Michel No. 456-458.Scott No. C40-C42 $985.
Realized: $250

Germany, Airmail, 1931, 4m Polar Flight Zeppelin, rich color, tied by "Friedrichshafen, 24.7.31" cds on flight cover with Zeppelin cachet, special Malyguin transit date stamp and red German cachet, Very Fine and attractive. Michel No. 458. Scott No. C42 Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $190